GDKPs are a gateway to gambling

Yeah, you are. Gambling = fine, advertising gambling = not fine.

Players have been gambling gold for years and years.

Thanks for playing, have a nice day.

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GDKPs are RMT Gold Laundering

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Can you mute people on here somehow? I could really do without frost, gdkp, and lfd

It clearly says gambling, not “advertising gambling”, is against ToS

Yes. Go to your profile, preferences, users and put in their entire name (including the -realm) and select a time frame. That will allow you to mute even the hidden profile ones.

For those with profiles you can also mute through their profiles on the top right.

You’ll still see the thread titles though. You can also mute threads if you want through the tracking option at the bottom.

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I support the removal of RWTers and GDKP’s. Make it a ban worthy offense and make those that want the gear have to run a legitimate raid pug or guild group it.



Have you even read the tos? Seemingly not. Making up assumptions with your bubble world is not going to work as you are allowed to gamble in wow just not advertise it.

You don’t use real money in real casino. You use chips that you exchange money for. Just like with Gold

Who cares if people gamble rofl.

Not really anything can be done about GDKP. It’s a fair trade inside Blizzard’s own rules because you are using in game currency. Kinda like how Retail high end guilds do “Sale Runs” this is similar for classic.

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HR is the gateway of robbery.
The only way to get a DST for most of the people is GDKP.
People who run HR runs hates GDKP the most cause all their free labors go to GDKP looking for buying one.
Robbers judge people buying the items they want to rob from us, what a joke.

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Thank you so much

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I don’t see any casino accepting fake WoW gold for real money exchange, move along

thousand gold in classic costs 13$~

If you were smart youd know that the laundering was done long before it got into a GDKP group.

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this is not a legitimate business and feel free to bring in the authorities

Where does it say that? Link it here and I will admit I was wrong.

I actually kind of like the idea of GDKP? Sure the amount of gold currently in the system makes the price of entry steep for the uninitiated
 But you cannot deny that those who take advantage are being leaped ahead of their own natural progression by country miles

Just avoid the nasty ones with a bunch of LFG trolls running it. Never had to do one myself thankfully. However I would have considered it for Sunwell as that one has been very hard to do.

it is if you exchange gold with retail (which is allowed) and put Token in equation.

Well if someone goes through all this elaborate process just to get a fix on WoW “gambling”, they deserve the grief