GDKP VS Dungeon Item carries. (SOD)

Don’t cry when the inevitable happens to you for being a habitual line stepper lol

What Line am I stepping? Asking if something is allowed lol?
Didn’t know that was against TOS.

There you go again lol

Naw man, I am pretty sure asking a clarification question is not against ToS.

Asking the question is not against ToS.

Just go sell carries. You know you want to.

Yes I do, that is why I want to know if its allowed or not? I’m not gonna do something that is not allowed.

But you said I was line stepping and the only thing I have done is ask a question. So I am glad to know you agree you were wrong and asking a question is not line Stepping.

yeah you’re right, do it. With your talent I think you should go to law school

I already did ask the question? They moved it to the SoD forums. Customer service only wants to answer questions about retail and Cata. They are leaving SoD to the SoD team but sadly the SoD team doesn’t answer questions. As I said above. I assumed since they were responding about Cata questions that they would also with SoD but I was wrong there.