GDKP spam public service announcement

Most of the people complaining about GDKP runs I feel are the poors.

Heck, I’m one of them, and I don’t like GDKP runs so I just… don’t do them.

If you dont either, just ignore them, and don’t run them.


Lamo stop twisting the argument.

OP is correct toonmany GDKPs cause people are greedy wanting new players gold for items that arent big ilv upgardes.

Like who in their right mind would join a normal 25man ToGC and spend gold on items theyre worthless, apart from milking innocent players ao you can RMT your profits.

GDKPs are the only loot system that is gonna attract players who dont need anything from the raid to go to them because atleast youre getting something from your efforts.

In my opinion its more greedy of you to expect people to devote their time to carrying you for nothing.

Yeah fixated on the destination not the journey, obvious stop derailing threads.

This is a thread about raiding advertisements, aka the destination

If you wanna talk about the journey go join the fad hardcore era topics.

as the OP i can tell you the OP doesn’t actually feel strongly one way or the other about GDKPs in general, what the OP does feel strongly about is filling trade chat with spam for seven different GDKPs (or worse seven different people spamming trade chat for the same GDKP)

I make a lot of gold running gdkps. I wish you guys weren’t so against them. :frowning:

I’ll tell you what. Gdkp is such a fair of distributing loot. You don’t have to worry about any loot drama, ms > os, or loot council. If you got a lot of gold. You get what you want. No one complains and there’s no drama about how loot is handled.

I see the same message more than once every 60 seconds or so and I report it. They also go on my “you shall not pass list”. A few people have apologized when told why they don’t get to go to the raid. The spamming of the same garbage in yell like 19 times in a row is immediate I hate your guild and everyone in it.

I don’t mind if they post their stuff in the right channel, but if it’s still in the box when you post it again you’re annoying and will be handled in an appropriate manner.

Post it in every channel repeatedly and it’s a right click goodbye and add to the never see you again list.

Anti gdkp players, everyday, somehow get more and more dumb with how they think gdkps work.

Before you respond, no, it is not the same. Exp is guaranteed with boosting, gdkps do not guarantee the item to drop nor that you’ll win the bid.

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Yeah sometimes you think you got enough for that shinny trinket. Then a big whale comes out of nowhere with a 100k bid and you’re just like “okay bud here you go” but it’s not the end of the world because that whale just made the pot for us HUGE!!

Advertising for GDKPs in Trade/LFG channels is against ToS. Just report them.

cause that gets a quick response…

Clearly you’ve never read the TOS.

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