GDKP needs an update

GDKP is a massive cross realm gold selling machine. These are no longer the gold sellers of the past, these are your top raid guilds who ARE the gold sellers. They communicate via google docs and they own all of the community discords.

They have embedded themselves into every aspect of this game and have manipulated the way the entire world of warcraft conducts their raids, and if you think they aren’t in your raid, sabotaging your MS/OS raids/pugs, then you’re a fool. Ever ask yourself how we can be this far into the xpac and people still don’t know the fights?

How do I know? Because I was recruited to join one of the top world guilds on Benediction. I had no idea what they were up to until I got in there to see everyone has a minimum of 7 alts and they wouldn’t run heroic raids unless it was a GDKP, not even for raiders who needed the gear.

– so if you think for one minute that paying someone in a GDKP for gear is going to get you into a top tier guild, the answer is NO. They know who you are and how you got your gear, especially if you don’t have the skills to back it up. Having mediocre or high dps doesn’t mean anything if you don’t know how to set up and use all of the required addons, if you don’t know class mechanics, raid mechanics and boss mechanics.

Hint: Weak Auras is frequently used as a hack and not a raid tool.

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I don’t think that has anything to do with GDKP’s :stuck_out_tongue:

Honestly most GDKP’s I’m in have a better level of play than MS > OS runs.

Yes and if you do have the skills they don’t give two :poop: where you got your gear.

Kind of funny considering most of the top guilds on Benediction either are GDKP or run a GDKP for their alts.

Exactly my point. It’s called laundering. Certainly you don’t believe the average joe is going to pay 250k for one piece of gear do you?

No of course that’s also not what the average item is going for in the average GDKP so…

I was in the top GDKPs on my server as well on my main and the people that come everyweek are usually the same people with 10+ alts and are gold capped. There is no competing with these people unless it’s the same EXACT group everyweek and you can snag some items people no longer need for cheap. Most of them (not all) are toxic af and won’t admit mistakes but God forbid someone else makes a mistake you better pay up. I would consider myself a 7/10 player, better than the majority but these people are on a whole other level, most of them raid on 10+ alts EVERYWEEK. Needless to say I stopped going, even though they are better and faster than most Guilds as well it’s too sweaty. I don’t care about bragging about 99 parses to the girl who didn’t want me 15 years ago or to stroke my ego. I’m still in a top Guild but they are chill and like an actual family. GDKPs aren’t a totally bad thing, but when you have people who abuse it and spend 60+ hours a week playing it gets out of hand. Unfortunately a lot of people don’t play for “fun” and “community” like the game is meant for instead they are all self absorbed selfish beings who just care about showing off their high gearscore and parses.


Could also use a gamble goblin outside org/stormwind/ironforge AH… would be another microscopic way of taking gold out of the economy, and possibly bring engineers out of dalaran xD

Sick posts guys. Thank you.

GDKP is the cancer of all classic culture. Its just amazing to me that Blizzard thinks RDF destroys the spirit of the game but smiles large at something like GDKP treading all over people and giving RMT the best means to wash there coin into the system.

Absolutely amazing its allowed to continue.


It was a loot system, right now it’s an RMT operation.
One of the GDKP hosts from my server (Gehennas EU) recently branched out to Faerlina. People like that person and other long running hosts get up to 3mil gold per WEEK, they run their GDKP’s over 20 times per reset, offload bulk gold on g2g and that’s how they earn their living. 90% of all GDKP’s ran on my server are done by the same few people on their multiple alts, because levelling isn’t hard or taxing, and despite Blizzard’s idiot solutions boosting is still alive and well.
I understand GDKP’s can also be benign but right now more often than not they simply aren’t, they’re RMT operations.
That multi-million ToGC25 ring people made youtube videos about? Almost certainly someone sold 100k+ per raider there.

They really need to reduce thread closure time to 7 days since last post.

Or maybe, just maybe that multi million gold ring was staged.

Theyd have been more believable it was Deaths Verdict/Choice. But they got some gullible people to believe it.

It wasn’t. It ended up with like +110k to every raider’s cut.

I think that’s a great idea cut out the middleman and leave raiding for the people who actually want to raid. Then we won’t have to hassle with both people who only raid for gear then quit, nor the people who only raid to extract gold/RMT from whales.

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idk man.
If I was Blizzard, I’d just ban GDKPs and issue massive ban waves to all GDKP leads who seem to have ties with gold selling scheme. And of course all biggest buyers. Ledgers are public. Go in there. Open up the ledger. Investigate those who have spent the most. See where their gold came from. Perma ban them if RMT is obvious.

This is, quite literally, business for some. They make their living off of RMT gold.
The only reason someone even needs to have THIS MUCH gold is for GDKPs. Eliminate GDKPs, and no1 will buy gold.

I’ve always been sitting at sub 20k gold and I own chopper, mammoth, all toons full engineering, zero issues with consumables. I have no need to purchase gold, as I don’t need to purchase gear.

or, like Warmae has done it, (or some other pservers). take everyone’s gold and cut it by 50%. I think Warmane did it when gold was getting out of hand. Tthey just cut everyon’s gold. And the best part was, most people were happy with the decision as people understood it was getting crazy.

man i scrolled up and just saw the previous posts were in july xd

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Unless a few shady people at blizz are getting a cut of RMT under the table from the gdkp cartels that dump gold to the certain websites, they should be all for this idea.

It’s not tho, you have to do content to have a chance to earn it. I also never spent a penny to buy gold since it’s so easy to get in-game while playing. WoW is not true P2W yet.

ICC HYPE… ICC HYPE… How much is shadowmourne going for?!

I heard someone has a 1 million bid on it. Wouldn’t be surprised, I think the first warglaives were like a 2 million bid?