This is a delusional one.
You dont make 250g hour.
The average player makes around 60g/hour.
Just stop being such a liar when it doesnt fit your narrative.
amazing how that works when comparing economies with era and any fresh server with and without gdkp knowing cata exists
amazing how that backfires
No one cares how much gold you make per hour because the only thing you can buy is consumes with that gold.
It tells me someone got reemed for calling their consumers gold buyers and RMTers so they wern’t going to make that mistake again.
That means they are running with the same policy that was enacted due to RMT.
Our potions are like 5g ea and our flasks are like 9g/ea
Correct, policy is the same, reason for the policy changed.
Man that backfired
It’s because you can’t stack consumes like classic and flasks are cheap because the mats are cheap.
You must have failed economics in high school.
But my server has 10,000x the amount of gold on it than Anni servers.
Why dont prices reflect all the gdkp rmt gold?
yep. but the boogie man “econ destoryer” gdp!
the only argument people have is era. they never bring up cata.
Blizzard knows this and my suspicion is theyll bring in the wow token because of the endless bot/rmt compalints.
Theyll bring in the token and reallow gdkp
There is more complaintsd about bots and rmt on a gdkp ban server than any server in classic history
grey parsers though like to dodge
Yeah because you have GDKP.
You just destroyed your whole argument.
You have massively inflated gold when consumes are cheap because of GDKP.
Thank you for walking into that.
lol? Blastad lands roids mats farming is more than 60g/hr and thats bottom of the barrel. jump runs if all you do is mine is 120g/hr snag herbs too? add in another 30g/hr. one of the easiest farms in the game (which can be done by almost every class is 150g/hr.
So then my consumes shud be 1000g each since we all habe gdkp rmt gold.
Prices should reflect the amount of gold on the serrver.
Show your gold.
Consumes aren’t expensive in classic because of RMT.
They are expensive because of supply and demand.
What makes the price 200g?
The fact that not many lotus spawn per hour.
It’s simple math.
It’ll never not be funny.
You can see just how many scrubs need to buy gear with rmt gold. So upset they can’t do that now.
And then the people who get that big gold cut from the swipers don’t know what to do. Now they have to buy their gold direct from gold sellers.
And both types keep seething.
Did they state that RMT WASN’T the issue? I must have missed that. Sorry my logical mind interprets it the most obvious way of “we made a PR mistake lets not do that again, leave out calling the community gold buyers and putting the people that give us money in a bad light.”
You arent getting it.
why is it 200g and not 50g?
What makes it 200g?
Supply and demand dictate it but so does the amount of gold on the server.
Lotus is rare but notice it isnt 1,000g?
Its 200g because that reflects the amount of gold on the server