Nothing “chad” about any of you, youre all the bottom of the barrel tier players rofl.
Says the guy that can’t make gold in wow. Just like real life
I sell sm boosts…im at 18k gold already and i only care about TBC…
Me making gold has nothign to do with you guys being bad at the game rofl, its why you all post on rats.
I’ve seen those discords. It’s sad and pathetic.
But they represent a tiny fraction of the playerbase.
I ran GDKPs back in phase 6 on Whitemane with NOT LIKE THIS which eventually became PASSION. My payouts from those GDKPs were much more inline with Drinknblinks characterization than yours. I believe min bid was 500g, and weapons/trinkets started at 1,000g. I think our largest payout was 1500g after org fee was reduced from the pot.
It seems he just openly lies to fit his narrative.
Antis tend to use outliers as the “norm” for some reason.
Just overall lie to try and fit their agenda.
that doesnt really even make sense for prices that low. 1500g payout? that would mean realistically you are splitting 45000g AFTER organizer fee, which was usually 10-20% so about 50k total in bought items? since buyers usually don’t get a cut so you are splitting it 30 ways. That would just mean big ticket items were in fact going for 10k+ since usually only 2-3 big ticket items are dropped on average, so 10k+ that run not 1k. normal bland items would end up being like 50-200g but like i’ve been saying big ticket items… 6-10k… which that payout would fall in line with if you had a super lucky run and got more than the average big ticket items to drop.
600g payout would be an average payout I received and even going with that number 30x 600 = 18000 + 10% org fee about 20000g in bought items, which again 2-3 big ticket items at 6-10k each and filler of bland items at 50-200g each(most of the time the bland items were just DE’d and all the mats were bid off as a bundle if no one bid on them).
No one cares about changing your mind. You’re free to GDKP on era.
No you haven’t, because if you did you would see they are literally doing raids every week on multiple days. You got caught out for lying again. You are a fake and a scumbag
yall are so annoying, gdkp isnt in anniversary, get over it. play era if youre so desperate for it
didnt even need to read past your name to know you support this and spam more emojis
gDKPs would at least keep Loot Council guilds in check.
good point loot councils less likely to be corrupt if people have more options
I appreciate all the communication around this topic. GDKP’s when?
RMT is horrible on Nightslayer right now. Go look through the inflated AH. Banning GDKP has had no effect on RMT. There’s no evidence that it’s mitigated RMT, none, zero, zilch
Noticeably fewer bots in the open world. That is a very good indicator that less gold is being sold through RMT.
You’d be the first and only person I hear say this
I see less bots than when GDKPs existed.
It’s true.
You aren’t getting GDKPs back. Give up.
I don’t. Theres tons of “bots are completely out of control” threads
I dont run gdkps, I dont play alts. That has no bearing though on how insane the bot situation is on this server
There were way more when GDKP was allowed.