GDKP is the Superior loot system, change my mind (Please add GDKP's)

You can’t damage me faster than I damage you.

I sure can.

No you can’t.


You never have PVPed a lock have you.

Ofc i have.

You arent a good lock, you arent Snutz.

Im leagues better than you even fighting a match up not in my favor im still waaay better.

I don’t have to be good at lock cause lock counters mages.

You will be silenced, dotted, death coiled, shadow burned, and a pet on you the entire time you can’t even damage it’s resistances are so high.

I will block your coil, it wont even hit me.

I will fake cast your silence which is prolly auto cast cuz youre bad.

Then i will destroy you.

I have 30% damage reduction that you can’t dispel.

I dont need to dispel it rofl.

Youre literally clueless.

So do you guys have like a quota to fill on GDKP posts? cause it kind of seems that way.

Hes frosstfire you just gotta argue with him a bit, hes lonely.

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You can’t out damage me. I just pop a healthstone if I get 50%.

I drain your life with drain life and siphon life.

Youre already dead.

Weird I’ve killed every mage who’s ever 1v1ed me.

Im sure they arent very good when you only fight them in your head.

You have zero chance.

Lets meet up, character name?

We are on the same server

Sure i’ll bring my 60 spriest.


Character name?

Just come to hillsbrad.

Ok who am i looking for?

Character name?