GDKP is just money laundering but in a video game

I hate fighting hunters so much on my rogue I can’t wait to be that menace.

I eat most hunters for breakfast on my warrior but I’ve ran into a few good hunters and I wanted to smash my keyboard
I really really hate entrapment

charge fc
scattered mid charge, freezing trap

Really? I would assume wars just get kited like always.

Most of them make the mistake of not getting outside intercept range on the first scatter trap
I’m also a gnome on the main so that helps too
Oh and bre :slight_smile:

I watch Payo destroy warriors on his hunter. They are usually dead after getting trapped and can’t even intercept.

Well payo is also better than most players but the sequence is usually charge into hamstring into if I can get it off dstance/shield (this is huge imo)
Hunter scatter traps, backs away, aimed shot etc, if I’m in intercept range I intercept swap bre on and rehamstring

Pet charge/stun the second aim shot lands.

Yeah I usually never get stunned out of the trap, maybe because the hunters don’t go into bm to pick it up and instead go survival for entrapment

The charge stun pet ability.

I think it’s only some pets so I guess it depends what you use.

Oh I was thinking intimidation? I think that’s what it’s called
Yeah idk I def don’t die before the intercept though, 4.8k hp

I’ll just avoid warriors because F them and their nonsense critting for 5k damage in 2 globals.

I do have bre so that definitely helps lmao

I might end up smashing my keyboard from getting deadzoned though.

This might not be a healthy choice.

Eh idk it seems like you enjoy hunter so I’d send it
Q up wsg I’ll see you in there, unless good Druids are qing

maximum disrespect is from Mages who kill you by spamming Arcane Explosion while you can’t do anything but hope they get close enough to Raptor Strike.

Yeah it seems like most classes destroy hunters at max level, except rogues lol.

If I don’t have all my cooldowns and I don’t crit, I just stand there like an idiot.

You’ll be surprised how many bad players there are though lmao
I kill far more mages than I should
Idk man I’d send it, if you like Hunter just play it

So its just the gdkp’ers left there, aren’t you against that?

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Don’t go down that rabbit hole man

No, because it’s not. Those types of players left.

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