That’s my theory why they actually banned them in the first place
Step 1: ban gdkps - claim they’re rmt cesspools
Step 2: launch a fresh server no gdkp - let population observe the obscene amount of rmt, gold buying, and and market inflation
Step 3: watch all the YouTube content creators wonder “if banning gdkp was actually necessary, perhaps revisit it” (there is an up kick of these videos popping up)
Step 4: combine all complaints about bots, gold buying, and gdkp ban together
“We are here to present a solution to the bots and gold problem. WOW classic vanilla token. Oh we will reallow gdkps now”
I think I’ve made all the arguments I needed to make. I don’t think anything I can say is going to sway you to my point of view, so it goes with most internet discussions.
Our time together on this topic has elapsed. Until next time!
That’s not what he’s saying at all which is why he brought up not all of it is money laundering.
If a new raid tier just opened and your guild isn’t raiding it on launch because it’s on an off day and you join a gdkp for it week 1 to push heroics, who is paying for the carry?
You all need all the gear and you’re all progging the new raid as a group, so who’s paying for the carry?
You might want to call him back and help you pick up the goal post it’s got to be getting heavy by now as many times as you guys moved it.
If you’re a closed roster and just use gold to distribute loot, then you are not a paid carry.
If you’re an open roster and require people to bid on items, even if they don’t want/need them, you are a paid carry.
Are there groups in that first category? Yea maybe… but that’s not really fitting with the definition of what people have come to expect of a GDKP run. They’re also far fewer in number than the second category; a drop in the ocean.
If you take pugs on your run, especially under geared ones, you’re a paid carry selling loot. I still fail to see why this upsets you. That’s the whole point, is it not? You want to make gold so you can fund your raiding activities. To do so, you sell the carry. Why else would you even bother doing it? GDKP in a closed roster doesn’t even make sense because without an influx of gold into your group from outside sources, you’re just losing your pool to consumables.