The 3 stooges in one thread holding hands leading each other around blindly hahaha
They just glaze each other.
Keep seething.
What is this Facebook boomer gif nonsense
Let all the anger out
Gdkps aren’t coming back
Please refrain from insults
Miss you buddy, come back soon
Yep they are just the vocal minority.
I’m not sure why you guys are getting so defensive when it’s a core tenet of GDKPs.
Every single GDKP server is divided into two categories:
Buyer and Carry
When you join a GDKP community if you’re a Carry you have show your gear, your logs and prove you’re capable of being a carry.
If you’re a buyer you have to prove you have a big purse full of gold to actually buy items.
I 100% am for GDKPs but they absolutely carry undergeared players, that’s the whole point.
The quality of player in GDKPs is leaps and bounds beyond better than the average pug but I’m not sure why you guys are arguing that they aren’t carrying people.
Gold Carries are tacky and lame, and one of the reason is that these people feel it will make them happy and ‘good’ players once they have BiS and parse well, but hey it is not working if you need to cope post on the forums about it all day.
If it doesn’t make you feel good and you go around making others not feel good? that’s not good, certainly not the best.
This leads to them looking for people to blame and feel better than, and claim their 20 minute faster clear with people they don’t know/can’t stand is somehow better than a clear with people talking and laughing (would love some streams of GDKP runs to prove me wrong)
We could point to social or emotional deficits as the cause, don’t want to engage socially because it is painful or don’t want to get their hopes up to be dashed in a regular run where they might not get loot, this really points to cope for other things.
Money doesn’t actually equal social points unless you use it positively. I’ve never even heard of someone bidding in a gold carry for someone else or something haha, its just the pennies a day workers running 4 accounts with bot scripts, no one brags about what they got from a Gold Carry, or that they were in one.
Tacky and Lame.
GDKP propaganda is so detached from reality it’s like they’re getting paid to dispense it.
You like easy loot and gold, we get it already.
My interpretation was the monk made a hyperbolic statement not meant to be taken as literally true but the pro GDKP crowd hyperfixated on that point and tried to argue not every run is like that. That’s true, not every run is a straight up carry but a ton, probably even a majority of the ones you see advertising in trade chat, are always looking for buyers and likely wouldn’t take people if they didn’t have enough gold. The monk’s logic holds up in that regard.
Eh I don’t think it’s any deeper than the people who feel really strongly about pro GDKPs don’t want to feel like they’re “wasting their time” so they have a desire to either be paid for their efforts or play with what they deem as equally skilled players.
Adding the wow token into anniversary would be absolutely hilarious and I’m all for it just for the memes
GDKP isn’t a dragon kill point system as the name implies and its not used by normal raid guilds as a way of loot distribution. Its just borrowing a name and slapping a G in front of it to represent gold because of what’s changing hands.
The name itself has many problems with it and then it only gets worse when you look at the rest.
That being said its still a preference and in that way there’s nothing wrong with having the preference.
Well the core concept behind both systems is identical. You generate currency by attending the raid and then you spend that currency within the raid. The main difference with GDKP is obviously gold can and has to come from other sources other than the raid.
oh you bid priamrily with gold you looted in the run? suuure
I said you generate currency by doing the raid. Nothing to do with looting. Do you loot dragon kill points? Lmao
where do you think that gold comes from? especially to gear undergeared people?
I agree that it has a hook to sell attendance to players like any loot system. Ive said as much myself many times. That doesn’t disguise the mechanism of essentially selling carries to one group of convenience loving players by another group of convenience loving players.