GDKP is a form of Boosting

Im just saying i got on to see what everyone was saying about the boosting. Because others have a different view than you , you go on the attack. I played TBC back when it first came out. I mostly pvp now. I did BT and Hyjal. Im saying its a fair statement when blizzard says thier reason for getting rid of boosting is because of the eco. Ive seen people go buy gold and get into gdkps. Whats the requirement? GOLD!

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Why should an individual farming and selling raid consumes be stopped?

The argument here really is that GDKPs provide the major incentive for people to do RMT. RMT have a lot of negative side effects.

Most that want to keep them is because its an easy way for them to make money. Even if they want to deny that most of the money in them comes from RMT.

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If it’s not working, try something else. I made 5k gold in a week when I was building up for a big purchase. It requires more of a time commitment than retail, which vomits gold all over the floor. Raw gold farms or looting herbs/ores are always options to the average player.

Buying gold needs addressed.

You do not do it by banning gdkps.

I could make thousands per day farming primal mana and crafting them into sapper bombs.

Every time I send miscellaneous items that I collect to my bank toon, including disenchanted materials I make 2 to 3k gold and thats just from passive junk I collect while playing the game.

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If you want to fix RMT, then you go after the botters. Destroy the source of the gold and RMT largely goes away. But botters pay subs too, so we get a bunch of faux band-aid fixes instead.

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I think you need to target gold buyers more too, they need gms who can investigate the burner account + gbank loophole.

If there is risk to a gold buyers main account they will think again.

To support yourself as an individual raider who is capable of bringing enough consumables, proper gems and enchants and not be carried by the rest of your raid team? The real problem is the mentality that many players think gdkp = carry when they put just as much time and effort into killing bosses as everyone else.

If GDKP gets banned and you dont feel like you need to farm gold you’re probably not worth spending the time on regardless

Farm Primal Mana ? On Feralina ? HAHAHAHAH Yeah right , Its overran by bots and non english speaking players who all work for the same RMT website dominating the farming.

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The ethereal place was pretty empty during phase 3 in orgrila area, and I am on whitemane.

It’s how I made my seed money to start doing gdkps.

No one is happy just ban everything. If people are so unhappy why not quit the game? Op is mad and jealous that others are doing better than him with the same amount of time played on wow. You know the term it’s called seething.

Yes buying gold needs to be addressed not me boosting my toon and a friends because it affects the game. Just as people complained because of seeing 100 boosts in chat doesnt mean i havent seen 100 gdkp or Za ticket runs posted in chat. I just ignore it. That was Blizzards reason. Boosting hurts the econ and tired of the spamming. I dont care if people do gdks. Why should they care if i am boosting my toon?

GDKPs are a form of clearing raid content and acquiring gear. You either spend some gold and get the gear you’re after
 or, you don’t get the pieces you want but you get rewarded with some gold in place of the gear you didn’t have the opportunity to get.

People talk about gdkp’s like they are the only form of raiding, which is so obviously not true. You have lots of options:

  1. Join a Raiding Guild that rolls for MS>OS
  2. Join a Raiding Guild that has a Loot Council, and be consistent and decent
  3. Join a Pug that is MS>OS
  4. Join a Pug that has Soft Reserves
  5. Join a GDKP
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No It is a Form of RMT.

If We Remove GDKPs, that is Like removing the Customers and Gold Sellers will stop Selling Gold.


Agian most people dont do it that way. They buy gold get in a GDKP and get geared. Just like most people dont level thru questing.

Just for the record, a MH glaive sold on my server (Benediction) for 132k last week.

The more you have GDKPs with “pure buyers”, the more it approaches some kind of boosting (for gear, rather than XP; and by a group, rather than solo), but also: the fact that they nerfed boosting didn’t mean people that were boosting (if not otherwise committing infractions like selling gold) were doing something wrong! And there are reasons to reject boosting by soloing instanced content while keeping “boosting” by GDKPs (at least you’re running the content with an appropriate group).

Oh? So you’re saying GDKPs don’t raid? They don’t kill raid bosses? And they don’t collect gear? My mistake. Please explain what you think a gdkp is then. Is it just a group of people buying gold together?

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not me boosting my toon

How do you think they are getting the gold to sell to people? Magic?

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It is an RMT Service where Buyers buy Gold from Gold Sellers/Bots and they Spend gold so Geared People who Have Zero Moral Code or a spine Will act as Boosters to Give them Gear based on The gold they Provide.

If Even a Single GDKP does RMT, that Most likely means Even more are Exploiting and Taking advantage Of it.

So Yes, Removing GDKP will greatly Reduce Gold Selling/Gold Buying.


i have a wonderful solution to this problem entirely, remove gold out of the game. Big brain moves :stuck_out_tongue: