GDKP in Season of Discovery

it’s his point of view kid. why would he play on different country server? we all know blizzard can make the change when they revisit this so he just wants to talk about it.

so if all you can say is “just go play in their server” then you really need to read some books kid.

It’s not a point of view. It is factually incorrect. The game has always been run differently around the world.

i wouldn’t call this a failed argument - i would call it a statement of facts.

fact one: US/EU servers have the same core gameplay as Taiwan servers.

fact two: the only difference in rule sets between Taiwan and EU/US is the restriction of GDKPs in EU/US.

fact three: there is no reason to maintain that restriction in EU/US since the Taiwan servers function perfectly fine without it.

it’s just coding. they can change it whenever they want. how is that factually incorrect for having an opinion when we all know blizzard can change anything whenever they want to lol

This is getting boring. Taiwan is run differently. It always has been. China was too. It has NOTHING to do with how they run the game in the U.S. or Europe. Did you guys even read the Blue post about why the ban wasn’t implemented over there? They answer the question for you. Instead he just keeps repeating “There’s no difference.”

Actually, there’s a huge difference. But I’m done feeding this inane argument. It demonstrates just how lost the GDKP cause is.

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lol there’s huge difference but he can’t name one. this is typical horde players lmfao

please tell me how Taiwanese servers are run differently from EU/US…

and don’t say “oh well taiwan players pay for their subscriptions on a weekly basis” because that is irrelevant and i will be so kind as to explain why right here, in this very post for your convenience:

  1. A player in EU/US who purchases their gametime one month at a time has the same core gameplay and game experience as players in EU/US who purchase their game time six months in advance.

  2. A player in Taiwan who purchases their game time one week at a time has the same core gameplay as a player in Taiwan who purchases their subscription four weeks in advance.

  3. a player in EU/US who purchases their game time one month at a time has the same gameplay experience as well as the same monetary expenditure on the game as a player in Taiwan who purchases their game time four weeks in advance.

you’re welcome, friend :slight_smile:

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it’s funny how many people hate on gdkp because they can’t get in or are lazy lol

I think that’s a racist assumption tbqh :expressionless:

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I don’t think so, as a casual player, “buying a little here and there” is pointless. Risk a 2 weeks suspension or more just to get gold that you can farm in a several hours? It 's completely a “No” from me (and from every average player i think).
It may fit with someone like you, but can’t be the majority.
The majority of gold buyers maybe not whales, but they 're looking for decent amount of gold, never been little bit here and there like you said.
About GDKPs, I agree that the majority of people never buy gold, but that doesn’t change the fact that the mostly gold funded in GDKP is from RMT

tf lol it’s not. it’s just asian culture with the games.

yeah it’s kinda funny to watch someone who claims to be a “raider” who does not want to earn gold via raiding and actually “enjoys” sitting on a beach killing the same murloc 5000 times in a row for 3 copper each.

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I mean where do you think the gold in GDKP comes from if it’s not from people farming it?
Are you saying GDKP is run through bought gold?

The majority don’t have to be whales to still benefit from those whales. There is no innocent party involved in GDKPs. At the very least, they’re complicit to the gold buying from which they benefit.

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that’s neat, i haven’t seen a gdkp like that before. just goes to show that players can make player-based solutions if you let them


so blizzard should ban gold buyers not gdkp imo


yeah i would NEVER buy gold… i care too much about my account.

i have things on retail that are fully unobtainable and will never return to the game.

and its a reality that people need gold to do things in sod… even if you run with a consistent guild group every week, you still need consumables… even if your guild doesn’t require you to use consumables, i would still choose to use consumables because i enjoy performing at the highest level possible.

if the only way to earn gold in game is by farming murlocs, then i just won’t play the game.

i want to earn gold by raiding and GDKPs offered that to me: since this is no longer allowed, i choose to not play the game.

everyone has said “GDKPS are a problem because people use illicit gold in them.”

so it’s very clear that the REAL problem is people purchasing illicit gold…

so what can blizzard do to stop the REAL problem? ban bots, ban gold sellers and ban gold buyers.

if blizzard was able to implement these effective means to monitor GDKPs, why didn’t they just use their time and resources to implement tools that identify and ban bots/gold sellers/gold buyers?

that is the real problem after all.

with GDKPs gone, people still bot, people still sell gold, people still buy gold… the problem has not gone away.


this is so funny to me. they can do whatever they want but won’t spend resources to ban bots, gold buyers, and wow tokens.

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i never said people don’t farm their own gold to buy gear in GDKPs… in fact, that is the point of a GDKP: allow players who enjoy farming gold get their gear if they don’t enjoy raiding.

some people find farming gold relaxing - just because i don’t enjoy it doesn’t mean that everyone dislikes it - all people are different, after all.

some people don’t like raiding, they just want to sit on a beach and farm murlocs til the end of time and that is perfectly fine - then they are free to do with their properly farmed gold as they please.

some people just want gear because it’s cool to be fully geared…

Gold buying is banned.
GDKPers should have self policed.

It’s easy.
Step 1) Open your Guild/Raid chat or your GDKP discord.
Step 2) Type out “Gold buying is cheating”
Step 3) Hit Enter
Step 4) Kick anyone who gets mad.
Step 5) Do your raid.