GDKP in Season of Discovery

Hopefully never.

Hopefully they now have the data to show the severe impact banning gdkp’s had on the sod community and are willing to own the mistake and revert it.

Deux? is that you? Whats the matter? Cant feed your family off RMT gold?

Most likely. Did you know that trains (yes, trains) are the #1 apex predator in india? If this young man goes outside he might be attacked by the train, or slip in a pile of poo and hit his head on the ground.

Selling wow gold is the safest way to earn a living in india. Imagine, a train sneaking up on you, and WHAM! Its dangerous out there.

You can hope all you want

The data clearly shows how much of a success this experiment has been.

Every single version of wow still has gdkp’s while sod has not and is dying so bad that they now need to server merge the entire game.

Speaks for itself if it was a success it would be implemented everywhere it won’t though because they know it kills there playerbase.

Good to see you continue following me around to troll though free bumps to posts are always welcome.

dead has been retail for me. Its a ghost town 2 months in. The pvp is so bad as well

I feel ya bro i quit retail in legion and will never play it again.

Pretty much why i wanna see sod do well and i have seen first hand how the gdkp ban impacted the player population and the amount of raids running daily.

I want to see sod thrive and do extremely well all the way to the end of the season but i truly believe that gdkp ban had a significant impact on maintaining players and keeping content more relevent.

I’ve said multiple times i’ve never bought or sold gold and i am against any kind of botting but just because i enjoy using gdkp raid system don’t mean i have to fit into 1 of those categories that people try to keep claiming.

GDKP wasn’t even that big of a RMT stat.

People are buying more gold now than before the Ban… Just check the Gold market out, its right there for all the public to see lol. I wont link the site for obvious reasons but simple google search.

I didn’t participate in GDKPs as I don’t pve much but it definitely affected the player base and didn’t do ANYTHING to botting and gold selling. The argument could be made that it actually made gold buying more prevalent.

There are tons of automated port sellers at karagath in badlands right now night after night day after day…

Maybe the lack of resource management being used to fight the botters is at an all time low?

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Agree with everything you’ve said i can tell you first hand i’ve seen more people i know buy gold after gdkp ban than before and even a few who have never bought gold start buying.

To put it simply gdkp harmed the game for almost no beneficial gain and should be reverted as soon as possible.


Either stop playing with cheaters who buy gold or stop talking about it. If I were a hungry GM, hunting for tastee fools, guess who I’d put under the microscrope? All your friends, cause look at that post. Seriously, I’m sure they don’t want you in your GDKP crusade to get them lost accounts cause you can’t control what ya type…orrrr find players that don’t cheat to hang out with. Simple, simple/

At least Drinknblink has, in all his foolish crusading glory, never done that.

Think about that.

How do you know? Answer, you don’t.

Drinknblink has been very clear on the forums that they have not bought gold. They also do not talk about what their friends do. I don’t know the dude, I can respect a crusade even if I think the opposite, but some of these posters have repeatedly thrown people they know under the bus: guild leaders admitting people in their guild buy gold, and stuff like what this dude just posted, all to make some dumb point. It would be best if these players never associated with cheaters. But, I just had to tell 'em to not throw their friends accounts away too. Maybe I should not of…maybe their friends will read this and strongly suggest.

Friggin cheaters, man. I don’t get it.

I don’t buy gold nothing to worry about here and if people do buy gold or bot they should get banned not my problem.

I’m advocating for gdkp’s to be returned because its a good system and will bring back players to a already low pop game that’s suffering so bad they need to merge servers.

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Well okie dokie.

Perhaps consider putting air quotes around friends, like this: “friends”.

And good luck.

But GDKP ain’t coming back to SoD.

I would not be surprised if it disappeared from other game modes as well.

We shall see.

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On crusader strike i see people trying to fill pug MC all the time as well as ony any world bosses, GDKP is a trash system. Log into cata and all u see is GDKP spam its why noone is playing it

You are playing the game you are clearing the raid why do you want GDKP so bad? Its all you post about let it go

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yeah its not like cata is twice as popular as sod 16 weeks into its tier while sod is at its peak, you can say what you want about cata but its objectively far more popular than sod is

cata’s peak is over 3 times larger than sod’s p4 peak, its really not a comparison


just hold on guys. I’m sure it’s coming back any day now! I can feel it in my nuggets.


It’ll either be unbanned or the game will be dead that’s the reality.

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