GDKP in Season of Discovery

Well then the 5 people playing era can hang out with the 5 people still playing SoD.


“people liked it too much and i don’t”


Classic put gold selling back on the map.
Then came the token :slightly_frowning_face:

No worries SoD was going strong, fresh market, perfectly ripe. :smiley:

Then they banned GDKP, and started cracking down on buyers. Yes several bans went out early in P2. :slightly_frowning_face:

It’s hard times for these folks.

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Naw, the people who were buying gold are still buying gold.

Im sure the people walking around in 7k+ worth of AH bis “farmed” it.

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do you think that the token is something that stops gold buying and that goldsellers don’t exist in cata because of it? lol that’s so cute

Policy change is inevitable only a matter of time.


So the dominantly popular raid style should be banned because you dont like it? Use some common sense.

Its not that people dont like it and want it banned for this reason. It just overshadows any other normal SR/EPGP raids because of the ease of access once you obtain the gold as a buyer.

It’s to the point now if you recruit for a SR/EPGP you end up filling after 4-5 hours or more vs a 10 minute GDKP fill once you have the buyers already.

Which of course leads to the point… You buy gold, become a buyer and jump into GDKPs for full BiS on each phase. Thus the ban and recognition we finally get that GDKPs have an evil side that needs to be controlled.

The outright ban probably wasnt the best move but it’s the least resistance move for blizzard because they’d have to allocate resources to “monitor” GDKPs vs just banning them completely.

I don’t mind people running GDKPs so long as they confine themselves to a server/realm that is meant for it like it is for whitemane on ERA vs Mankrik clusters AND they don’t use bought gold with RMT. Also while not being run by absolute clowns with an ego the size of deathknights in RBGs.

Just remember, Blizz took away cash flow from a lot of these people.

Squeaky wheel gets the grease. Please bring back GDKP.

You can sell the same amount of gold in retail for $50.00 for $30,000.00 in SoD.
Let that sink in.
and help you realize their desperation.

LOL this made me laugh. With absolutely no sense of proportion, what are you even trying to claim here?

You’re trying way too hard to spin this in a way that makes it look bad to the point that it’s comical.


If your a gold seller, SoD is where its at.
Lets get this money train back on the rails!

Because you can make retail levels of gold on SoD? Please further expand on what you were trying to say.

If thats the case then what’s your argument against gdkp?

Blizzard is totally at fault. Having a product that can be exploited to such an extent, and doing not nearly enough to police it is shameful.

…but I also see the side of - this is doing something to stop it.
I dont like GDKP.
I think it increases the demand for RMT gold immensely.
I think its “cheap” and P2W.
I think the only reason its gained such popularity is because people figured out Blizz would only slap you on the wrist (if that) and you can buy all the gold you want. I believe people are so enamored by all the gold and purple gear they can’t see the forest for the trees.

Ive lost heartbreaking rolls in raid. I’ve taken tier pieces from other peoples main as a random alt in crap gear. Thems’s the breaks.
I’ve returned to raids that I needed nothing from, only to have fun playing with friends/guildmates, returning the favor to those who helped me get my gear.

All gold aside, It’s Blizzards game, games have rules, or they wouldn’t be games.
If they deem any activity disagreeable with their “spirit of the game” its their prerogative to change it.

On this one, I agree with them.


No they didnt, half of yall are swiping.

The people who bought gold are still buying gold.

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This is a completely fair and honest take. Thank you for simply stating your opinion and not making up accusations about people that are advocating for GDKP. While I don’t agree with you, I can understand your viewpoint. Hopefully you can understand why I think it is wrong to take away GDKPs instead of dealing with the actual problem.

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I like the incentives that gdkp provide to the players for there time.

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The experiment has failed utterly. Can we please get an official yes or no on GDKP so we know if it is worth playing p4?

Probably more radio silence :roll_eyes:. Let’s not forget this.

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