GDKP Clarification

Before people jump down my throat here I am literally just asking for clarification.

I am seeing that Tribute runs would fall under GDKP TOS. Totally understand if this is the case. However, I am seeing many times a day that a person will be in LFG wanting “X item” and giving “X gold” to everyone in the group when it drops. Is this also TOS? Or is this person spinning it as a “tip” for helping them get the item?

There seems to be confusion here, I understand completely the organized GDKP raids being shut down and rightfully so… but in these 5-mans I feel like its getting a bit cloudy.

Report them. Wait a few weeks. Read all the " I got banned for no reason posts".


Yes it is a violation and I am actively reporting every single one. As should everybody else. It’s so bad right now that GDKP advertisements have taken over all social interaction on DM gen chat. Which is exactly one of the things this rule was intending to negate.

A word of advice though, don’t announce in chat that you’re reporting it. Also don’t call it out for what it is. Just report it. If you announce it, the gold selling mafia will mass report you and you’ll be out of the game for probably a few weeks until you can reach a human at blizzard cs.


Its 100% cloudy despite what trolls on the forums say. As of now there is no evidence of anyone being banned for selling items/giving tips for helping clear in Fresh or in SoD. We won’t get clarification from a blue but the lack of bans says a lot.


Yeah I really just want to know where the line is drawn, obviously fully organized 40-man GDKPs are a no brainer.

Tributes, “tipping” and paying to get into groups without promise of loot is where I am a bit confused.

Blizzard defines selling anything from a raid or dungeon as GDKP.

GDKPs are banned.

You do the math.

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Except for the part where they don’t but I know reading comprehension is a sore point for you

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Banning GDKP’s was pointless LOL!


Don’t report them, make blizzard police their own game.

Unless they pay you ofc.


Its probably not considered gdkp, just like it wont be considered gdkp when someone wins a roll and i ask them to sell me the item for 1000g.

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the snitching is crazy

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we should always report if unsure. let the mods decide.

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Disgusting behavior.

people were getting nailed for it in sod during phase 2 but blizzard seems to have laid off on it quite a bit.

so, the answer is yes but only if blizzard feels like it.

Lol what???

If the process wasn’t automated I would agree with you, with it automated you’re just helping abuse a broken system to ban normal players who aren’t breaking any rules.

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I know you’re just a braindead troll but they don’t. So you don’t do the math, you’ll just hurt yourself.

Unlike the average general forums poster, Blizzard hires people with above 75 IQ so they are able to understand nuance when it comes to GDKP.

I fully expect that Blizzard’s intention was to get rid of the specific raids that incorporated bidding gold on items. I don’t think what is happening in Dire Maul falls under that umbrella.

Too many people here see things in Black and White and just get outright hostile when you tell them about the Grey.


People will read this and then hit you with “Uh it says dungeons too in the blue post!!” like it isn’t obvious the intention was to prevent 10m gdkp runs in UBRS. Good post

In SoD they did say that selling items from dungeons was GDKP and against the rules, so I would assume same for Anniversary but I’m not 100% sure.