GDKP - “Ultimately this is a test, and if it doesn’t work out, we’ll revisit this policy"

You guys aren’t getting GDKP back, stop crying. Season is already halfway over. And trust me, the ban worked. Wild Growth is absolutely booming with pugs. Earn your gear like everyone else.


Everyone needs to mark this garbage thread as spam (because the majority of it is) so it can be removed once and for all.


This post definitely fits in with the numerous PRO GDKP posts that Elron and her multitude of alts have spammed. By mass reporting her posts, there’s a hope that Blizzard will permanently ban her for spamming and trolling once and for all.

#MakefourmsGreatAgainBanElronTheSpamingTroll #KeepGDKP’sBanned #BanGDKPsFromEveryVersionOfWoWMakeWoWGreatAgain.

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I think its good to have healthy discussion about gdkp’s because its an important part of the game to some players and they should have the option to raid how they want.

Yes, the version of the game that this thread appears in. Welcome.

No – it only removes cheaters.


if youre this hard for a particular loot system it screams sus


Nothing about your obsession with GDKPs is “healthly”

Yeah the P2W player base. They dont really play tho!!!

If they hadn’t consistently violated the Terms of Service, they wouldn’t have corrupted the GDKP system over the years to its current unhealthy state for the game. Instead, consider DKP runs for a fairer loot system, where you don’t purchase your way to the best-in-slot but earn it by participating in raids and content with the same group of people.

The primary distinction between DKP and GDKP is that DKP must be earned through participation, whereas GDKP can be acquired with money.

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I agree that gdkp’s would be good if they returned.

Hoping to see this policy reverted.

Anyone wanna bet GDKPs don’t come back in SoD? Screenshot this and email me when they bring back GDKP and I will go bungee jumping with no cord.

It ain’t gonna happen.

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That just means player numbers will continue to decline and older content won’t get done as much and it will half the lifespan of the content.

Blizzards loss.

" the total population of active players on TW SoD servers has dropped by at least 60% since the release of phase 2."

Exactly the same thing NA/OCE saw as well.

If 60% of the player base quits because GDKPs are removed, that implies a reduction of 60% in cheaters, which seems like a positive outcome.


games unplayable without GDKPs it cost like 100-150g per week to raid


lol go do dailies!!!


So out of touch. You must have never played on classic era.


How is elron not banned from bumping this on multiple diffrent characters? Dude has whole conversations with himself


I do my dailies everyday I started with 11k at the start of this phase now im down to 9.6k

Lol do more dailies on an alt then easy solution

Don’t bother replying to trolls put him on ignore and report for trolling and you’ll never have to see his silly responses again.

can’t play alts no GDKPS to gear them