GD: Timeframe Progression of Lore Thoughts

Continuing the discussion from Timeframe Progression of Lore Thoughts:

Nobody mention this on interviews, but we need the story from books in game, like new questlines, cinematics, events and Blizzard should stop removing pre patch events that have a ton of Lore like the burning of Teldrassil.

It´s really sad that Talanji has some good cinematics during BFA and then the story arc continues on Shadows Rising, for people that was invested on the story that ruins the inmmersion and I don’t read too much, so I’ve to wait for content creators to explain the missing parts. if Talanji comes back, you won’t know the story with Bwonsamdi and the blood pact unless they do a flashback scenario or event in game.

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Thanks for linking this into the General Discussion forum :slight_smile: I’ll include a follow up summary of your thoughts in my post on the Council forum post.

I’m glad you mentioned the books addressing lore/stories not found in-game. One of the nods I must give the Sylvanas book was that it was clearly made for the fans and a SUPPLEMENT to the game (less some of the Legion stuff which explained actions I believe should have been articulated in-game). It seems the novels are becoming requirements to understand the game, and I find that simply irritating. I want to be game to play through the expansion and acquire the entire story. I’ll include that aspect in the follow up post after we have some more responses here.

Looking forward to everyone’s thoughts :slight_smile: