mmmm cookies
Looking good these days Cyn - happy with the appearance changes?
mmmm cookies
Looking good these days Cyn - happy with the appearance changes?
“More than you could ever imagine.”
slightly different hair style too, pretty cool
“Same hair, just a better purple hue.”
loving the leaves in the hair on my side. Been a nice change
Surprised they just don’t open things up a bit more
“My little Shaman, here, finally looks like a walking Jade Statue.”
I would have to look closer at both lores, Mag’har maybe comes closer than Pandaren maybe.
Pretty cool
Agreed, Mag’har would understand the way of the warrior in a manner similar to Pallies
Funny thing about orcs.
Way way back in Vanilla. The very first players to help my confused little nelfy - were orcs.
I cleared Stonetalon on my nelf hunter with the aid of an orc hunter…those were some good times
But I’ve always been an odd silly nelf anyway
How is enhancement now? I here its clunky now
yeah, that spec needs a lil love at the next opportunity
“I have never really played her. Just using that Spec so I can kill stuff while leveling on Pet Trainers.”
Makes sense, maybe they don’t know what to do with it.
Rogues made out nice. we got our yummy poison back
Sounds like fun
omgosh yes
I’m not that good of a rogue, but there are some things we should always have.
They almost unpruned all the things I didnt like them pruning
Ooo warrior, we wind up feeling green in the alliance regularly
Have you seen what we have for a king
And his protector is so bad he let him get taken out by 2 ranged dps
Yep, would have liked that back, and for my druid flight and travel form to be separate - still, it’s a step in the right direction so far
“I want Death From Above back.”
I’m not all alliance all the time Onathah
Sometimes I need a break from the alliance battlecry of “NOT IN THE FACE”
So it’s blue nelfys for meeee
(CEO Sigs wanders in.)
Ooo yes, nice change
The little skull in the hair is new isnt it
“One in the hair, and one in her ear. They did Goblins SOOOO GOOD!!!”
/happy dance