I’d prefer a book about two Gladiator Bunnies forced to fight to the death over who gets the last !
"Thou without and Thou within
"Thou both end and origin.
"From every eye Thou hidest well
“And yet in every eye, Thou dost dwell.”
“Hey, are you a real bear or a druid?”
“I’m a druid, why?”
“You’re a liar, liar pants on fire! Now get on my sandwich!”
Then just write and let the words take you where they will. Consciousness may well be little more than an interlocutor between the outer world and our intuitive interior. The more defined the consciousness is, the less we hear of the world, both inner and outer.
But if it is a real sandwich, does that make it a bear?
Yes. Only a leper Gnome or a Goblin would eat something as terrible as fake bear! Ewwww!
Headless Horseman rap video
Sees her floofzie with a multi-tiered carrot cake.
Closes the distance between herself and her floofzie with the multi-tiered carrot cake.
Looks lovingly at both… drools.
Moments later
Arcanohol says…
Something to remember when Izzabelle is hungry.
I think it is a wonderful idea.
One would have really floofy hair, while the other carried around a carrot, and was always floofing the other ones hair.
I got the mount on this toon in 8.1, because I let fait pick my main for BFA. “I’ll main the toon that drops HH mount” I siad out to myself and as I farmed it dropped on this toon. It’s ironic how it worked out considering I already mained shaman for BFA and was changeing back to hunter.
That’s why I give out shaman luck , but you have to believe for it to work.
I wanted to try a different class flavor, I learned BFA was not the expansion for enhancement, but resto was fun. I was able to solo with enhancement, but didn’t work well for raids and dungeons.
it’s funny i got mine the year it became available back when each person got a summon i just joined a pug but everyone did it befor i got there so i was the last summon so i just did mine and it dropped and i rolled for it and got it it’s been my favorite mount
Is anyone on Moonguard? I like it here I think lol. I dunno why, I don’t talk to anyone but I like being around Roleplayers. Also no one kicks anyone here even after the tank making us die 10 times in Freehold lol. Yay Alliance lol.
my alts are on Moonguard got a DH allince and a belf paladin
I have my main stuff on Emerald Dream but I had a trial character in MoonGuard which was my first ever server. You like it there Aeve?
Emerald Dream is an evil server
MoonGuard is ok but i dont play on it much Dalaran is my main server
i stick with Dalaran just for loyalty reasons
Is it really? lol. I just picked a place didn’t really look into it.
I played on toon on it with some friends, while afking in stormwind we were swarmed by angry people
It’s a cursed place
Trend carefully there on Alliance my friend, avoid Goldshire as much as possible. I don’t know anything about Horde Moonguard, but the Alliance online play is rated A, way past the M rating.
What before my wandering eyes do I see, but a Floofzie, with floof, waiting to be floofed by me.
I have a few Alliance players on Moonguard. A Void Elf Hunter, and. Mecha Monk. I’m leveling a KT Rogue, and. DI Hunter. I don’t really rp in game, I do all of that here on the forums, mostly in the world end tavern.