with the last of her power the hero Norinila kamehameha blast the last of the naysayers ensuring an overwhelming victory for the good guys
deus vult
Dwarf nose appears in the doorway…
“Beer? Why hello lads and lasses of the lounge! How be you this night??!”
(Lady Cyndi Lou hands you a Keg of Thunderbrew, all your own.)
I’ve been Alpaca farming today, I just got the Elusive Quickhoof and the Springfur Alpaca is coming in a few days
Goulgrim holds the key high drinking it like a college student might drink a beer can using gravity. Goulgrim finishes the whole keg before breaking it on his head like a college student might a beer can.
“Whoo! That hit the spot, thank Ye lass!”
/courtly bow
“Ever think of making a dwarf? We got lots of cool looks now that’s to the prepatch!”
“Other than that I found something I wanted to share. I found this other game with dwarves, I do think wow dwarves should be like this more, though they are already that close!”
“Way ahead of ya.”
“She looks amazing! Is she Wildhammer or Bronzebeard?”
I love that mog, particularly that horned helmet
“A Hunter. Just a really good Hunter.”
“Thank you. It’s the Heritage Armor.”
“As if there are any bad dwarven hunters! We know our way around a firearm!”
“Dwarven heritage, the heritage of mountains and kings!”
(Lady Cyndi Lou strolls in.)
In celebration of it being Saturday, here’s one of my favorite songs of all time by one of the greatest bands of all time… (since the video isn’t previewing, it’s Dr. Worm by They Might Be Giants) edit: HOORAY! Found a link that previews!
And this song goes out to Izzy and and Rainy, the Lounge’s favorite carrot cake eating bunnies!
/wild happy dance
/wicked slow dance