“I did the 3 Dungeon at Tempest Keep and all 4 of Aucdunan. How ever it’s spelled. Gonna do them again today, and that should do it.”
Those dungeons tend to be fun
“And easy on a Hunter. I just Barrage my way through them, and let my pets do the rest.”
I just like throwing my blades at em
“Just remember, Raids don’t give Rep, just Dungeons.”
I’ll still pay my respects to the one with the firebird -i keep hoping the random gods will smile someday
“You don’t have Al’ar yet?”
nope - never drops when I’m there
I keep trying
“Never give up! Never surrender!!”
Exactly, it will happen one of these days
“Those seven dungeons took me from just into honored, to almost half way to Exalted. They should be able to cap yours in one day.”
I’ll get some darkmoon buff too
So with us 2 in here - does that mean the lounge has gone to the dogs (I couldn’t resist
been a while since I’ve heard that one
lol yep that was different
/happy dance
Can’t go wrong with the stones
“Now THAT was FUN!!!”