GD Lounge # Reforged_Insanity :)

I totally get it. A wise man once said, you got to know when to hold 'em and you got to know when to fold 'em.

I took a 2 year break and never felt better. Came back, ate some bears, fell back in love with my hunter, and met some wicked cool new people!

Enjoy your break, catch your breath, and come back to us re-energized and happy. We’ll save you a few hair floofs and maybe a bear or two (depends on how hungry I get).

Stay safe and take care of yourself, Aeve!




bye aeve

i am miserable


good morning folks

Will have a pint ready to welcome your return

nope, u are Chrisp
I am surfy
that is elmer
these are miserable

(ok old joke, won’t give up my day job :rofl:)


I saw Bunny Power mentioned above! More Bunny Power to through to the weekend!! Just keep it going, you are all doing great! Stay awesome!


hands you a bear to eat

That always cheers me up! I think this one said his name was Billy or something.

SURFY!!! /kittyhugs


as long as it wasn’t George :smiley:

:smiley: :smiley:


As long as it wasn’t a spirit bear rare, I know it took me 3-4 hours to wait for it to spawn. I don’t think spirit animals are edible.


Happy fourth Monday of the week everyone!


You just don’t have an experienced palate, friend!

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I thought it was good idea to hold off eating bears till after the Jailer is dealt with. Can’t be sending little bears to the boring zone known as the maw! Even if they are nice and juicy!

I promise after SL you can hunt as much as you like with them going to Ardenweld!


Nope. Because bears don’t go into THE Maw. They go into MY maw. And then they go into my tummy! Hooray!


:cold_sweat: those poor bears

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Correction. Those yummy bears!

Weird. It wouldn’t let me quote you, Mystic.


*hands Gotnov a Jumbo sized popcorn *

I promise this will be better than the bear meat. Don’t feel bad this year is almost over, it’s been a miserable year for everyone. I 'm not going to lie, I’ve been depressed lately, but still pushing myself, I just work extra hours to keep my boredom occupied. A whole year gone for the world and some states are still closed. I wanted to see a friend this year and meet him in RL, his stupid state is still closed. :frowning:


It’s does that sometimes

I think it doesn’t want quotes if the person is right above you :woman_shrugging:

Think it’s a bug actually


Lies. I bet you don’t even know the name of the popcorn!

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Jiffy Pop.

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That’s obviously a fake name. Clearly, the bear used some anti-Don’t-Eat-Me-Up-Mr.-Gnome magic and you, not being a Gnome, fell for it hook, line, and bear trap.

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Would you prefer Great Value popcorn from Walmart little gnome? I make Jiffy Pop for a quick snack, Orville Redenbacher’s kernels when I don’t want butter or salt, maybe add a drizzle of chocolate syrup. Act 2 is ok, and Smart Food popcorn is ok too.

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I may be a Gnome but at least I can see through Anti-Don’t-Eat-Me-Mr.-Gnome magic! You keep eating that “popcorn”.

Ima gonna eat this bear who lied and tried to tell me he was a druid and not a real bear and that his name was Steve. He’s going to be really tasty!

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