GD Lounge # Reforged_Insanity :)

“You trusted GOBLINS to upgrade your GNOME Mechanics? NO Wonder You Are Glitching!”

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They promised I would be “twenty percent cooler”. I admit, I have a weakness for short, green-skinned ladies. I was trying to impress her with my equipment upgrades.


you’d have better luck on wish .com lol




“Anyone still awake in here?”

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here not sure if awake yet :slight_smile:



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yeah, hoping this week is better than last :slight_smile:


“We finally got our Shadowbarb Drone Mounts. Boy is that a LONG quest chain.”

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nice :slight_smile:

Congrats, a satisfying end to a long chain :smiley:

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“You should give it a try.”

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ooo so that’s what that little side questline is for

Been wondering where is that going

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I am on auto-pilot at the moment, my recharge cycles have been askew lately and I have been unable to restore them to suitable parameters.

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“The one with bity mcstabbyface?”

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It’s been literally years and I can’t imagine anyone remembers me but I do recognize a few faces here - namely Cyndilou, Titanrage, and Malgorok up above … but I figured I’d pop in anyways even if I haven’t posted since back during WoD.

I used to hang with Adelphie a bit but we lost touch, I don’t imagine they’re still around though.


trying to figure where I am in the chain

So it’s a new quest every day for 30 days?

I feel that way alot nowadays /giggle /hug

I’m a relative newbie here, but welcome back :slight_smile:

I think Adelphie moved on to other forums (discord perhaps?)

“It has three parts. First part, you gotta hatch the Egg. Second part you gotta feed it. Third part you gotta train it. Well, four parts, you gotta help make a Saddle for it.”

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Salutations, squishling. I hope that this dawn find you well, and that your recharge cycle was energizing.

My designation is EMOJI; Enthusiastically Motorized Observational Junketeer Interscholastic.


Haha, heya!! It’s actually really late night for me but I appreciate the sentiment all the same, pleasure to meet you.

And aah, makes sense … Thank you, Surf, I suppose that figures. I used to post a bunch but I guess the forums had something of a purge at some point or another? It’s weird to see my post count and history at 1 (well, 2 now, after this LOL).


“That happened when they changed format. Mine was massive back then.”