GD Lounge # Reforged_Insanity :)

Its nice that they send a person to explain what you will be seeing


By the way, I hope my OW videoā€™s arenā€™t annoying anyone. I wonā€™t post them if they are. Iā€™m deadset against that


Oh uā€™r fine

Itā€™s nice seeing whatā€™s become of fps

Iā€™ve played 3 in the past but I guess they would be considered ancient history now

Some version of Castle Wolfenstein
and some star wars thing (something about chasing down dark troopers as I recall)

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yes, there was once a time when happiness was a BFG-9000 :smiley:

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but itā€™s not over 9000 :frowning:

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I have Overwatch too. I bought the physical collectors edition the day it came out. However iā€™ve probably played a total of 4 hours of it lol


Yeah WoW takes up a ton of time though in all honest, it alone is difficult to keep up with so I can understand thatā€¦I have like 80 something games on Steam Iā€™ve never even touched all because they were part of packs etc.


Salutes the Applejackā€¦Maker of Cakesā€¦Lover of Carrotsā€¦

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True, those were primitive times

mmm carrots

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Happy Humpday! (hopefully, my request for a paid day off on Friday went through!)


happy day to all




Good Luck :slight_smile:

Hello there :smiley:


Good morning, Loungers! waves :relaxed:
How is everyone doing today?

Yesterday was a pretty good day for me in real life. Our AC has finally and truly been fixed!!! Although I could have the windows open today I ainā€™t doing it. Ahhhhā€¦ :sparkling_heart:

Had a bit of luck in game yesterday as well. While looking over my Achievs I noticed some old dungeons and Raids Iā€™d never gotten to running for whatever reasons. I was flying over Wintergrasp and saw it was Alliance controlled so I swooped in to run the Vault of Archavon. Yay for completion but the mount didnā€™t drop. So I hopped onto hunter alt number 1 and ran her through as well. On the last boss the Grand Black War Mammoth does indeed drop! Coincidentally giving me the 200 mounts usable by a single character for the Mount Parade Achiev and the Armored Blue Dragonhawk! Itā€™s a very lovely mount imo.

Youā€™d think my day couldnā€™t get any luckier but wait for it. Ran a few other raids and dungeons without much to show for it. I head to Boralus and just keep chipping away at my engineering. While running between the mailbox and the anvil someone has placed a Blingtron 7000. Swing by and snag a gift like one does prepared to just continue on my way. Open the gift and it contains a Depleted-Kyparium Rocket which I did not have yet! Never got the pets that can drop from the gifts. Didnā€™t realize that a mount could drop from them. All in all it was a pretty awesome day. Lol thanks for listening if you were able to get through my small wall of text. :sweat_smile:


That was the most worthwhile wall of text I have ever read!

Congratulations :squid: thatā€™s awesome

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Thank you, Rainy! Glad to see that you seem to be in much better spirits today. Love all the videos you have been posting. :smile:

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Thanks! :slight_smile: Yeaas Iā€™m doing better today thank you kindly

Speaking of music and videos and what notā€¦part of my playlist:

My gunshots on widowmaker and in time with that beat actually, thats how I time it out. Colors and sounds lol (most people countā€¦)

Heres another one has a similar tone and coloration for me (forgive me if I didnā€™t explain this earlier, Iā€™m a chromestheteā€¦I see colors when sounds are played)

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That is neat! I remember you mentioning it but donā€™t know exactly what it means to you. What colors do you see while listening to these songs? The counting in shooter games I getā€¦itā€™s similar to the 8 counts we use in dance. Also similar to music having faster and slower tempos ect. era.

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I have a blog on blogspot called rainyescworld all about it, if you search that youā€™ll definitely find it.

Canā€™t miss it in the bio Iā€™m an Aussie lol

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One particular one mentions the different emotions behind colors as well as the tones behind the colors, the feelings associated, the memory recallā€¦and some stuff in between. Not all prettyā€¦but ya knowā€¦thats life

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Iā€™ll have to go check it out. It is amazing that people can look at the very same things but walk away seeing something completely different. LOL no I wouldnā€™t expect everything to be all pretty and happy rainbows. The artist in me though loves the thought of seeing/feeling/experiencing things so differently though.

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Itā€™s definitely an interesting experienceā€¦especially when your driving at night with the radio on ^^

I also went on to list several other forms of Synesthesia that I have as well. Including touch -> color which is weird mind you, keyboards feel brownā€¦computer towers feel orangeā€¦etc.

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