Is it ever too early in the morning for a multi-flavoured Popsicle?
Nope! (nom nom nom)
Is it ever too early in the morning for a multi-flavoured Popsicle?
Nope! (nom nom nom)
“Nope, and it’s never too late, either.”
Grape, lime, and cherry. We call them Space Pops in Canada, I’m not sure if there is an equivalent for the States. Soooo delicious.
“They have those everywhere.”
Because they are delicious! Heeheehee.
I’m always curious about the differences between foods in Canada and the States. I learned when I was a kid that they don’t have Kinder Eggs with toys in them, so weird!
“I live on one of Jupiter’s Moons, I wouldn’t know.”
Oh, damn! I heard the gas clouds are beautiful this time of year. So jelly.
“Jupiter Colony, Eurpoa 6. What gas clouds?”
Oh, I misread the brochure. It says be aware of gas clouds from others inside the colony with you. My mistake.
“As big as this colony is, it’s easy to find an alone place. We have the whole moon at our beck and call, after all.”
That sounds lovely. One of the things I disliked about living in the city was how loud and crowded it always was, even at night. A lunar colony back-lit by the majesty of space sounds serene.
“Jupiter Colony is just the capital of Europa 6. It’s a HUGE city. The first ever built.”
/sneaks up the Dark One
“Welcome back.”
/peeks inside
/happy wave
Hello there
“8 high level fires touched, and 8 high level flightpaths collected.”
/proud grin
Good morning my strong and proud friends
wooohoo, congrats
Couple of those areas are tough to get to