It’s the all powerful cookie of Resurrection… The homemade dragon baked chocolate goodness that calls dearly departed bunnies back from the grave. With a deliciousness that heals the body and soul.
/happy huggle
2 mask run complete!
If I had the other stormwind mask, I’d try a 3 mask run right now
do they help much
hey loungers!
Oh quite the opposite
They exist solely to make it harder (and give better rewards)
waves enthusiastically.
ahhh the power of cookies
Where are you so i may ingest these delicacy’s for the gods of glutton and devouring madness?!?!?!?!
Good thing about the new thead: NO Mechagnomes
Bad thing about this thread: Not enough REAL Gnome!
What are you, some kinda racist?
/running pounce
/happy grin
should i lvl up my mage… or maybe my warlock…or a warrior…or
perhaps my dk…or shaman… mhhhh
Mechabominations are just that; Patricidal abominations. They say they’re going to HELP a brave and noble Gnome but what do they do? They Robocop Mekatorque and steal him to be THEIR leader.
Those lousy, rotten, patricidal mechabominations can go rust for all I care!
You’re just jealous they can augment body parts to actually compete with the other male races
Who needs to compete when I can wear pants? Also, I LOOK like Deathwing, I have KILLED Deathwing, and now I RIDE Deathwing. Those Mechabominations are just patricidal abominations.
I don’t recall deathwing being 2 feet tall, or wearing yellow
Plus we’ve all killed deathwing