was just getting in a quick clearing of stormwind - looks like i haven’t got the hot foot thing down quite right yet
ah well, practice practice
How’s Mr H doing
“Doing great. He gets to go back to work soon.”
That’s got to feel good
“Indeed it does.”
greetings from mom
Time for me to crack some eggs
catch ya later
The dog in that gif actually looks a lot like the Shelty I had when I was very young.
Also…good morning everyone!
Good morning folks~
Just getting ready for work. Got a 5 hr shift today to the best of my knowledge(always subject to change in my world…)
So that would be rather quick. My goodness it’s hot though already too humid
same here with the heat. And we’re supposed to get thunderstorms today. Oh joy!
Where you at?
Pacific NW
Good morning all!!
Hops into the lounge.
Congrats on the new edition! Shelties are adorable.
Happy Saturday Loungers! Hope that you have a great day.
off to refill my coffee mug before starting the day
Sooooo work is cutting our hours down to nothing…went from 40 hrs a week to now 24.
Can’t really survive on that. Looks like I need another job