GD Lounge # Reforged_Insanity :)



Happy friday!

I’m going to get a new furry, four-legged addition to my family today! :smiley:


“Do tell!”

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:partying_face: puppy excited for his puppy

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Hops in through the door

Happy Friday loungers and loungettes,



Are you watching any anime this season? Tower of God and My next life as a Villainess looked good.

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Seems like it has been a while since I’ve seen you. Everything good?

Oh, something I have been curious about, creamy or crunchy? :slight_smile:


creamy :smiley:


hides a book of matches

Who said I was a “coven of witches”?


If you name your new puppy Huggywuggles, that’s extra points!

Or Bob. Bob is a good name too!


Meh. I would’ve gone with, “Call me mommy!”

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Not too bad, just got real hectic for a bit there. Thanks for asking! :slight_smile:

And see you’re asking the important questions…crunchy, but you know I’m not a fussy panda! :grin:


Crunchy panda is the best kind!

A Certain Scientific Railgun at least: Speaking of which: The Railgun Manga just had Saten seemingly use Imagine Breaker(Magic/Esper Power Nullification) to prevent Uiharu from turning into a Level 6 while in a rage.

Saten is one the rare Level 0s who don’t manifest any Esper Powers! With that said it’s no surprise she wound up with Imagine Breaker like Touma did…

Saten’s interest in the rumor of the Right Hand that nullifies Esper Powers could be her wishing her suspicion of her having Esper Nullification ability to turn out to be right which it ultimately is.

Allister Crowley knows what is going on with Imagine Breaker yet not what goes on with World Rejecter and that is likely due to having Imagine Breaker inside an Artifact(possibly Aiwass) before it was destroyed or(if it’s Aiwass) damaged causing Imagine Breaker to splinter and enter Touma, Saten, Kimi and other Level 0s who can’t manifest Esper Powers.

What is the reason Saten and Touma were chosen as vessels? Probably their names: Touma’s full name means “The one who is above God” while Saten’s first name sounds similar to… Well it’s obvious considering what name Allister called Aiwass by…

As for why rage caused Uiharu to go through a Level 6 Shift: According to the Writers Level 5 Espers are that powerful because they believe themselves to be so an Esper so angry they deem themselves unstoppable will reach Level 6 almost immediately.

Why does the Power Curriculum say Espers should focus on calculations? Because calculations are needed to prevent Espers from teleporting into walls, levitating objects into their heads, etc.

If the Railgun Manga explores what just happened and has Uiharu legitimately reach Level 6(after attaining a state of calm) while officially exposing Saten’s Imagine Breaker(thus revealing that Level 0s who can’t manifest powers all have it) then things will get interesting.

Saten was able to move leaves around after using the Level Upper so the Invisible Thing AKA the Dragons inside her were probably responsible and would probably be able to manifest themselves(while invisible presumably) to beat Kimi Shundan in the Jailbreaker Arc of the Manga.

Academy City’s Power Curriculum would probably label Saten as the explanation of the rumors of Esper Power nullification and call it a day since Allister really doesn’t want Touma’s nature public since he is more useful not being in the spotlight like Saten is.

Saten has a habit of drawing the attention of Misaka and Touma to the Dark Side of Academy City. Touma has a habit of keeping things under wraps while Saten puts things into the public eye so it is obvious how Allister would want Touma to be the one hidden from everyone except the Governments.


Very nice, i saw it on the front page of the seasonal shows this morning and thought about checking it out.

Have you ever watched Darling in the Franxx? I’ve watched it well over 10 times already. I think you may like it


Happy Friday everyone!

Anyone have any plans?


smiles and waves from the shadows
Planning a weekend of movies, a little bit of in game shenanigans and relaxing. Maybe make some blueberry pancakes. :wink:

Now if I can finally post without upsetting folks (and if my phone agrees to cooperate), it might be a good way to end the week. :grin:

Take care and have a good weekend.



blueberry muffins for me :smiley:


Any movies in particular? I kinda wanted to watch the movie “Twister” this weekend. Its one of my favorites from my childhood.