Hello there, I sent you a b-net friend request, just encase I ever want to say hiya’s. I should probably let you know I have horrific social anxiety so I hardly ever talk.
I struggle with the same thing, so people have to whisper me first…after that, I do better, but I often worry some don’t understand they just need to hit me up first and then I know it’s ok to talk to them [that’s the only reason I rarely whisper first]. hehe
once I get to know someone I’m a little better at starting a conversation. Before that I will hardly ever speak. I like to say my social anxiety is so bad that I have trouble talking to myself.
I get that…soft smile…I give myself the silence a lot, but I live alone. I do talk to my dogs a lot though, but they are very good listeners and very-very non-judgmental.
animals are wonderful, and they never judge, unless it’s a cat… cats always judge you.
I’m sure I could find a meme or gif for that! lol
In these times especially, I’ve mostly just logged on to chat with good folks.
No worries about the anxiety. I’m generally easy going, never pry but always lend an ear if someone needs to vent or chat.
I used to be very introverted. Chose some life changing activities and got through it.
So now, just take things day by day to meet new folks.
Well the tunic didn’t work out. I look like a purple MC Hammer when wearing it!
So, I put this together. Eh, it’s something new for now.
Hey brother
How you been?
I think it looks good, it’s not to bright, and it makes your pink hair, and beard, pop.
Hops on and hugs. Thanks, I’m still extremely introverted.
I’m not really anxious, but I am careful about what I say. Too careful sometimes especially with people I don’t know.
was looking at some wow graphic updates the upcoming rtx stuff really takes wow to the next level
Wow! That looks great. Almost can’t believe it’s WoW!
I almost didn’t recognize you without the hat! Still handsome as a neutron though.
Heading to bed but before I go I will leave a little bit of Izzabunny advice.
Hops off to find a pillow pile to sleep in. Goodnight Lounge.
Have a good rest!
New beard does wonders.
Wait, I still see a hat?
Night Izzy