Hey there!
Cotton Candy Gnome checking in.
Hey there!
Cotton Candy Gnome checking in.
“Been doing good, just having fun in Classic. How are things with you?”
i’ve been watching the old Pure Pwnage show still so funny with all the wow humor after all these years
Good, good.
Just trying to make a Big Love Rocket drop for me and not having much luck, lol.
Because of the above Tweet Twitter Posters are now theorizing that Daybreak Town from Kingdom Hearts X, Kingdom Hearts X Back Cover and Kingdom Hearts Union X is built over Hell.
Some Twitter Posters are even theorizing that the Master of Masters got the Foretellers’ Keyblades including Luxu’s from there.
I’d rather have access to the Trust Level 3 Lounge again… grumble grumble
“I don’t have that one, yet, either.”
Oh did my Lounge finally died? well hi new Lounge.
“Yup, and now the New Journey begins.”
I have cleared ogrimmar with 1 mask
I shall try two masks after I upgrade my cloak
“What are these Masks you speak of?”
hi newcomer! welcome
After you full clear a horrific vision, you unlock the first (and hardest) mask
Masks increase enemies HP/Damage by 25% and grant you 25% more momentos, they all also have another negative affect as well
The first one reduces your max sanity by 50%, which is why its the hardest one to work with
“That sounds like no fun at all.”
The best plan is to wear the 50% sanity loss one, then target the boss who drops a different mask
The other 4 masks aren’t nearly as bad, I used the one that gives you 2 corruptions instead of 1 per zone
Was pretty easy to work around, and sorta hype to beat it with
“Still sounds like no fun. I already hate them for not letting me tinker my Cape. NOW I HAVE TO WORK JUST TO STAY ALIVE IN IT??? I am so pissed off. I don’t have the time, or the people, to upgrade my stupid cape, much less do anything BEYOND that.”
oh my god
who are those people
Not letting engineers tinker their cape was kind of an odd choice, but I guess they really wanted the (pretty useless) on use effect of the cape to pretend to be important
To be entirely honest, the further you get into the titanic research, the easier and easier visions become (the final one is actually flat out insane, it procs constantly so you’re immune to sanity loss for 20 seconds and have a massive haste buff)
With decent gear and maxed research, I honestly believe most people will be able to do 2/3 mask clears with no real problems