Yes, if she is wondering, her profile shows a magnificent Ren’dorei beauty on my screen as well.
“Try logging out of the Forums, and logging back in, if it is still not showing the change for you.”
I tried that but I’ll try it again
edit: had to log out, clear my browser cache, then log in again. now it’s fixed
/happy tentacle dance
“Now you just need the Heritage Armor, so you can have beautiful sparkly wings like mine.”
I just haven’t mogged to it yet. Not sure it fits a warrior anyway.
“The wings are attached to the chest piece. I am sure you can find a look to go with them.”
Aw gross, its nothing but elves now
I was an elf before…just a Night Elf.
Bad to worse
“Don’t let them get to you. We are perfect, no matter what others think.”
/tentacle huggle
“Time to go try for the Rocket Mount… Wish me luck.”
Sorry, I had to step out and fight some Horde in the name of the Alliance.
-wipes the blood off his boots-
I exercise too. But i just needed to control my intake closer to the calories i burn in a day
Excuse me, I would just like to say that I love both your username and Guild. Adores.
Thank you!
Something seems to have been lost in translation