GD Lounge # Reforged

have you gave classic wow a try? come to arcanite reaper and i will hook you up

No I haven’t… I was a BC baby lol

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just between you and i so am i but bc was the classical era as well!

I could roll a classic character but I just don’t have the devotion in me to do it now
I wish all classic players the best of times, though.

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Blood Dk pvp is kinda dicey, 1 vs 1 nothing kills you, but its hard to kill anything also.

Your role will usually be guarding flags or carrying flags, which guardian druids do a better job at :frowning:

Quite often you will die from tired fingers or facing 5+ enemies.

I heard unholy dks do better in pvp.

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/peeks inside

/vanishes again

/Wanders in for a few minutes


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/peeks in

Happy Saturday folks

/fades back to work

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Here’s to hopefully a good sunday :slight_smile:

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So on my Aussie server Cyndi - Horde wait time for the holiday battleground was running about 15 min

Alliance was almost an instant in last night

and on the alliance side, the warcry was still the same “not in the face!” /giggle

It’s still cool to be horde :smiley:

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ugh, off to deal with some of the visiting males in my life :frowning:

back in a bit

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/peeks inside

Happy Sunday! Anyone have fun stuff planned for the day?


“I got sleep planned, in about a half hour.”

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shakes fist menacingly, Darn you Blizzard RNG. Is it to much to ask that I get at least one clothing item of the armor type I wear when running old raids?

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Oo i like that one, ty :slight_smile:

One happy Bunny

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Sleep well :slight_smile:

Oh I know that feel

Were u going for a certain something special?

only a 12 min wait for hordeside holiday bg /giggle

an improvement :smiley:

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