GD Lounge # Reforged

I hear ya. I have to work though.

Not too bad. It’s assisting at a Margarita Tasting from 10 to 4pm. So we’ll see.


Edit: The downer is I’m not allowed to “partake” in the tasting. /sadface Which is kind of a good thing. Tequila and I don’t mix in mixed company. :joy:

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i hear ya, weirdos they are

not like me

I hate getting whacked by news papers


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Never a good thing to getting whacked on as compared to getting whacked…

Um. Nevermind. :zipper_mouth_face:


So who else is dragging their feet/paws/hooves in going after the AV mount?



Yeah. I deserve that.

/hangs head


good night folks :slight_smile:


/peeks inside

the money is in the park under the bench in a briefcase!

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(CEO Sigs wanders in, giggling quietly to herself.)

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i thought i’d get right down to business

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“Good job.”

(CEO Sigs tosses you a gold coin as a tip.)

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(ChrisP posts in the GD Lounge after a long absence. It’s nonsense, though.)

Can’t seem to find the motivation to play WoW much lately. Been playing Hearthstone a lot but I’m not very good at that either. Oh well. I’m still alive, say my thanks for that.


Everybody ready for the weekend???

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Oh yeah.

Good morning folks.

Just for some with some PT and ready to end this day 10 hours from now.

Getting after it.


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mmmm friday :slight_smile:

Do u pvp as a deathknight reaperbunny?

Thinking about taking my surfreaper into holiday arathi. Wondering how they are in there

welcome back btw your like a god in Hearthstone :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi Aev! I 'member you. Hope you’ve been well.

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