GD Lounge # Reforged

It was a joke :stuck_out_tongue:

ugh so I have to actually talk to people in the world?! dang. I have trouble saying hello to my professors from a long time ago as it is lol

“Oh. I thought you were talking about ‘Meditational Floating’. Sorry.”

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Its okay. Im never going to unlock it. If i need to fly i will just take a flightpath…i mean plane

No it’s ok xD I do meditate but in the shower only or on the beach when I’m there :stuck_out_tongue: I need water xD

Story of my life with BFA. Feel like I NEED to have flying but it’ll be like a month or two til I go back xD

I need to head off y’all take care :stuck_out_tongue:

Random Kitty gif for your entertainment :wink:


Gimme the kitty

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“Only if you promise not to eat it.”

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I would never. I love kitty. They are precious

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Mmmm Kitten. The other white meat.
Just kidding!
/vanishes and hides



/peeks inside

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mmmm friday :slight_smile:

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Yes, the young one knows how to stay on the raid boss. She’ll make a fine feral raider :smiley:

Happy Friday everyone!!!

I was off all day yesterday visiting Dolphins! Great day!


ooo yeah, best living things on earth right there :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


I only managed a handful of tail up in the water pictures, they move very fast! :dolphin:

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oh yeah :slight_smile:

You definitely need a camera with a quick snap to get them :smiley:


/starts coffee pot

Happy Friday (or Saturday to our Aussie friends :smiley:) :smiley:

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so i went to check on Scale Belly for a chants on Chromatic Sword there was 3 other horde there all casting aoe i assumed they all must me in the same group so i ask for an invite got an invite by one of them just one. yeah they were fighting each other for a tag…i’m headed back to goldshire where people are sane now

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ouch. that says alot about the experience /giggle


Happy Saturday Folks :slight_smile: