GD Lounge # Reforged

that’s been wild how many times such things have happened :slight_smile:

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shopping for car tires today, what a way to start a holiday /giggle

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Wanted to add that I wish all sentient beings well.

Never forget, believing is magic.

(A Void Bubble appears around the plate of cookies, then silently vanishes, along with the offered treat.)

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Good morning my cute little pumpkins.


it’s good to see more classic avatars!

Hell yeah sister, see you on the battlefield!

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picks Izzy up off the floor
I really need to dust… He broadly gestured at everything
Are you ok?


According to Twitter( Jormag is voiced by a Woman…

Now… Didn’t Kralkatorrik mention a mother? If Kralkatorrik turns out to be the Scion of Jormag then it would probably mean that the Crystals coming out of Kralkatorrik are Icebrood Crystals mutated by tons of Air Magic being absorbed by Kralkatorrik.

We saw Destroyers turn Green due to Death and Plant Magics so Kralkatorrik being an Ice Dragon turned Purple due to Air Magic is imaginable!

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was so cool to finally see Jormag been looking forward to this since i started the game playing the norn zone is what got me into gw2 lore

good morning folks :slight_smile:


well, just rolled my first ever forsaken :slight_smile:

something for me to try after church today :smiley:


off to see elune. catch ya later :smiley:


/peeks inside


everyone just talking and helping with quest in classic im sure if i tried this crap in current wow i would get my chat privileg squelched lol

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yep, that’s been one of the refreshing things about being back in classic

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** /me comes in to say a few final truths before leaving eventually after dragging things out for just a little bit longer than expected… I can’t pass up the opportunity to provide a little final feedback so to speak… **

  1. NEVER bother with any of the Sailor Moon dubs. SUBS ONLY. If you’re going to pick one season, make it Sailor Moon S.
  2. The Little Witch Academia series is a horrible perversion of the original short. Never, ever, ever bother watching this… it’s just awful. Only watch the short! Also, subs only again, never dubs. It’s just… never the same.

I loved this game, I had every hope for it and I poured every ounce of energy I possibly could at my absolute lowest point, living in a gas riddled apartment (didn’t know it at the time) basically jolting awake every time I started to fall asleep it had gotten so bad, giving suggestion after suggestion to a group of WoW devs who still never bothered to show themselves on these forums…

…I tried really hard as a fan, as a person, whatever else my mind becomes when I lose myself to video games… to make this game great for the people who play and it and the people who make it by contributing any little thing I had, but in the end it was all just disregarded, misused or just outright ridiculed either here or on the reddit forums by people who, again, refused to ever show themselves outside of their… well… whatever…

I kept coming back because I tried so desperately to make something work that would redeem my view of this company and the people who obviously used a lot of what was given to them to their advantage.

But seeing how they’ve acted… I see now… there’s no saving this company because the people running it don’t want saving… they just want, and want and want until there’s going to be nothing left.

I’m so proud that Classic is a success because it utterly validates everything I was spamming at them through Legion for months and months of madness. They have to acknowledge that I was right and that feels so freaking good to say, I don’t need you to believe it because deep down in my heart I know there were doubts about it but I was right. This isn’t an I told you so, but like… magical proof that, even despite the efforts of a group of people who try so hard to hide themselves from the fans they take from, something still came through that black box that was evidence of real magic.

Real magic. :fireworks::bow_and_arrow::woman_mage:

** /me looks up at the sky like Neo from The Matrix after hanging up the receiver **

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thats so true Chitsa Classic and its success has proven alot

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:heart: :fireworks:

We’re gonna miss you on the forums Chitsa.
Let luck be always with you.