True. /leans
I’m not really sure. I haven’t purchased and after the nerf. Been kind of relying on the general OPness of my builds…and the fact that I don’t ever level solo.
Only on their phone.
/wraps in blankets
Is it cold again there?
Ok so it’s just based on your time if the ghost you unlock is oxide or Tropy?
Oh, yea that’s a lot more troublesome. 20 in a minute, is there a penalty for dying apart from the respawn time?
Those sound useful.
Understandable, well, still, wish you the best times with your friends.
Uh, summer gets really crazy over there uh? heh.
Tonight is San Juan, supposedly the coldest night of the year.
I guess you could say the Oxide ghosts are there for an extra challenge to take on. Like an achievement.
Heh, I wanna know what kind of animations and stuff Fake crash says. I also want to see if he uses the evil or the good mask. He was evil in the original CTR, but after the events on the Gameboy games he joins Crash and is part of the Bandicoot Team in Crash Nitro Kart.
Very. I can’t keep all my defense toggles on if I run out.
Did you get in touch with your friends about the birthday party? I know you were not feeling social yesterday.
It would be worse over in Portland, they get up to like 110 these days. Ugh, that is too hot.
Are there ghost stories that come with the event? Haunted tales seem to be a common cultural thread for the coldest days.
Ok. Do you know if there is an actual achievement that goes with it?
So fake Crash is from the gems right?
Yea his move from Villain to Hero might give some interesting mask choices. I’m assuming that the masks come into play as some kind of effect for an item?
Right!, makes sense. Any other items that help with that?
Most couldn’t make it so it was just cancelled, we might go eat something tomorrow.
Ugh, that’s an inferno.
Not really, it’s just a syncretism between the christian celebration of Saint John and the solstice ancient Incas used to celebrate, the tradition is mostly to eat hot dogs tonight!. That being said, back in the day the biggest sausages company released small metal statues of global legendary creatures along their sausage package, as well as those legends, was quite fun, too bad they stopped, I have most of the statues.
Maybe on XboX or PS4, the switch doesn’t have achievement systems.
Yeah, he was quite a surprise the first time I unlocked him heh.
The masks make you invulnerable, faster and can knock people away if you crash against them with it. They also rescue you when you fall off the track and they guide you through the adventure mode.
The incarnate system helps to boost the effectiveness of any enhancement.
Hopefully it will be something you enjoy.
Yea it is really weird. The Pacific Northwest was kind of snowy and wet, but with these kinds of temperatures they are getting forest fires like southern California. I’m not a fan of forest fires.
A tradition to eat hotdogs? Well that sounds like fun. .
So what sorts of metal monsters in particular?
Really? That’s odd, I mean even steam has achievements.
This time around, or in the game that this is the remake of?
Hmm sounds like a cross between the Star, and the Lakitu from mario. It is neat that different characters get different masks though. Is the one for the penguin random, or do you pick it somehow?
I see, so, are you aiming at hitting 50 before Viera come out?
Heh we’ll see how it goes, how has your food been today?
Ugh, that’s always sad.
I know right!? Well, obscure ones, there’s a leprechaun, there was a celtic spirit, a fairy, etc…
IKR, guess nintendo just doesn’t bother with that.
In the old game of course, I didn’t know Fake Crash was a thing, haven’t unlocked here yet as I said.
It’s random. In Nitro Kart, Aliens used to get their own mask, sadly, seem they haven’t implemented it here.
runs in and dances so fast that time warps back one minute runs in and dances so fast that time warps back one minute runs in and dances so fast that time warps back one minute runs in and dances so fast that time warps back one minute runs in and dances so fast that time warps back one minute
*Random Evil Overlord waltzes into the Longue and turns random Longue-dwellers into the opposite gender*
*Random Evil Overlord gets the sickening feeling that all is right with the world and again turns random Longue-dwellers back into their original Gender when they were just about to kiss the now opposite gender in their new form before being changed back to their own Gender still wearing the other Gender’s clothes enraging the person they were kissing who angrily demands their innocence back*
*Random Evil Overlord gets the uplifting feeling that all is wrong with the world and gloats about it*
*Random Evil Overlord gets smote with Fire from Heaven receiving Millenia of Torment then gets smote again this time dead with Fire from Heaven which also feels like a Millenia of Torment*
*Death Knight Yvenathilm purges wrongness and debauchery brought about by random Evil Overlord from world by sword point*