GD Lounge # Reforged

Aww, sorry to hear that /Caress knee
Hope it heals soon. I too seem to be hurt, my right arm is hurting a lot IDK why, I just woke up that way, IDK how I slept or what.


That sounds fun. Yeah I figured it was too long from now, hopefully all the development it’s going to get during these months is worth it. Let’s see what else is coming that you would look forward to this fall onward?

Did you dream about boxing Trolls?
/bandages arm
Maybe irritated the carpal tunnel from extreme smash brothering?


I’m guessing that all the time between now and release is polish. Still there is a lot about it that we just don’t know.
As far as next year? Bloodlines 2 comes out in March.

Thanks. No I don’t think so, is not like I played that much and I didn’t even play that yesterday, I only played OW and did this
I’m pretty happy with that.


Well, I hope it’s all pretty cool stuff. Anything else at E3 you liked?
So nothing else this year at all?

/gives Sombra sticker.
Strange that it decided to use roadhog as the play of the game intro. Still, that was pretty crazy with the character switching each time.

/carries along with

IDK, I haven’t watched any of the E3 stuff. I just got a heads up that it was on Steam, and so I grabbed it in-between stories over in City.
Well I still get to be a Viera in like two weeks, but nothing set after that. I’m hoping that we get some new Warframe stuff, but they tend to announce things a lot closer to release. Except that spaceship expansion they showed off at Tennocon last year, that still isn’t out yet.

/Pastes them on box
It seems it uses the last character who killed as the highlight intro. And yeah, that mode is pretty crazy, you go from character to character with each kill. The last two are Mercy and Torbjorn but without his turret and only his melee weapon. I reached Torbjorn in that game but another player managed to win before I did. I’ve won twice so far, was quite happy.

/Is happy with this arrangement

Oh, that’s fair. Right now everyone on twitter is talking about the Smash Reveal that’s coming tomorrow, really hope for a cool character and not the Dragon Quest guy.

That’s a shame, well, maybe there’s something at Blizzcon /rolls eyes
Hopefully something will come out unexpectedly. City’s revival was unexpected after all I think?

Have a cute cow

I guess being competent with all characters has a benefit.
I was kind of expecting to see Bastion.

/shares chips.

Did they put up another mecha for HoTS today?

Will just have to see.
Yea it was very unexpected. Especially as it started out with so much bad blood. I understand why though. The code for city of heroes was released by one of the devs who had worked on it, so keeping it from being just out there protected them. We’re all very glad that now many people have the code so those people that worked on it, and who ever it was that gave it back to us can relax a bit and sort of bask in the idea that their work is still enjoyed by thousands of players.

/gets hit with a bag of flour…well at least I got my walk in first.

I actually have a lot of trouble when I reach the Genji-Tracer-Junkrat phase, if I manage to pass that though I can reach the top 4. Bastion comes after those heh.


Hmm seems they didn’t. Oh well at least two awesome skins.

That’s a very nice thought, everyone would want their creation to continue to be enjoyed.

Bag of flour, wait what?

Flour came in, got to go bake.

Oh ok, well, it’s good it arrived. /huuuuuuuuggggggggsssssssssss
What are you baking today?


alliance players!!!1!!!11!1!!1!!!1

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The new Crash Bandicoot commercial is awesome! So much Hype!


nose twitch

hop hop


Ohhh a cutesy bun buns, gently pats the floofy bunny
wonders if this is a magic bunny that makes carrot cakes appear if you’re nice


nose twitches


Extra carrot, carrot cake!


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Well despite my cajoling, no baguettes were made.
Vanilla cupcakes, red velvet cake, sweet banana nut bread…but no baguettes.

No baguettes? madness!
Still, seem that you made a great catalog. Glad you could make that now.
Evé tired?

BTW seems they published the HotS news in the French Twitter for some reason, here’s the video of the new event. Looks pretty cool.

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ooo happiness :smiley:

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Face planty. Also I think there is enough flour in my eye that they are going to be glued shut.

Yrel mecha looks good. I’m not sure that I think there is an event attached to that per say though. Unless you have more?

Owww. /Gives water bottle to wash
That sucks.

Will you also make dinner now?

Here are the patch notes

Event arrives next week.

I like that the pilots have models too, hoping we see that in game somehow.