GD Lounge # Reforged

Sounds fun, mine used to do the same until it realized I just ignored the emoji suggestions.
Googled the iPhone X pixie emoji, very superior indeed.

No, but it came with an evil laughter. Didn’t know there was a red version for it, I figure that ran out this month. What colour did you get?
That makes sense.

I think I should just turn them off and on again.
Oh I see, that sounds good. What’s your favorite dish with bacon?

So I just unlocked Mewtwo and Dr. Mario, who for some reason is different than normal Mario.

Well I have some people that speak emoji.
I wonder if it has a cool vampire one… I think the pixie was better.

Like real Vincent Price evil laughter?
Blaaaaaaaaaackkkkk. Heh my last phone was white.

Do you have to unplug the pylon?
Tuna salad with bacon is the best.

Yea Doctor Mario went to med-school, but still makes less than plumber Mario.

I usually use lots of emojis, in what’s all at least, but this thing used to change words for emojis and that wasn’t good. Heh, I remember using so so many emojis in msn messenger back in the day. I loved that thing.
What other cool emojis are there?

A bit discount.
Heh I think they look better in black. Come to think of it, I think the only time I had other color was before there were smart phones.

Just hit the reset button, if I can find it. It looks like everything else on the crystal.
Sounds yummy, Mmmm bacon.

I laughed a lot at that. To be fair, the pipes at Mushroom kingdom are gigantic and full of monsters.

The only time I had what’s app was during the time I was sending texts to people in Europe. Now my phones will not turn things to emoji, it just suggests them. Sort of like when you’re in the middle of a word and it has some things it could be.
Well it has pretty much all the old emojis, just a little nicer looking.

Vincent ReducedPrice?
Well my armor was black so it seemed like a black phone. I always got the surprised look when cleaning it. They would poke fun and I would roll my eyes. They didn’t have black that day, and I love contrast.

Well there’s the problem.
You should send your dog on a bacon quest for the Averyx Empire.
…and I should get this dog out of my yard…

I’m not sure jumping on a man eating plant is a smart idea. They probably don’t teach that in plumbing school.

It’s a very useful app. Mine does turn things into stuff it thinks it’s better. Guess my phone is just more sassy, but as I said, it’s forgetting that habit.
Does it have cat and rabbit emote emojis?

Exactly, that’s perfect.
Heh, that does seem something to roll your eyes at,what colour is the new armor?

A dog in your yard? are you being invaded by animals again?

Assuming he went to plumbing school. I don’t think we ever see him doing actual plumbing.

I’m sure it is, I just have a Marie Kondo philosophy on apps.
A sassy phone fits you.
:smiley_cat:and :rabbit:?

The armor is also black.

I have good landscaping. Terraced gardens, shade giving trees…stone pagoda.

Bowsette still loves him.

That’s a good way to look at it.
Hah, I’ll take that as a compliment.
So cute, if I knew you liked emojis that much I would’ve used them more.

Does it give it +stats?

Sounds really nice, no wonder doggos and cats want to spend time there.

Bowsette is love.
So, what are the plans for guild night?

I’m the same about my desktop. I don’t like a screen covered in shortcuts.
Sassywaggle. It even gave me a sassy emoji.
I need a lot more vampire emojis. I mean I got some really push zombie ones, but the vampire ones are kind of eh.

+2 gothyness. It’s like a free German accent.

Yea if the weather wasn’t so bad I would eat breakfast outside.

But Boosette is life.
No idea. Still hashing out long term plans.

I’m the same. I am admittedly not the most organizsed person with Real world stuff but my devices are neatly organized with different folders and such.
Hehe, well, a sassywaggle fits you.
/Sigh I’ll never understand why zombies took the place as the main cultural monster these decades.

German accent in a funny way?

You’ll have the chance soon hazelnut.

A ghost that’s life, now that’s irony.
Fair enough, what about dinner plans?

I have one folder on my desktop. one.
Hmmm. /lifts draenei /wears as hat
Yea I guess it does.
Because zombies are a metaphor for blind consumerism?

There was a snarky card game a long time ago called Gother than Thou. German accent was a bonus card. I kind of preferred the much more comical Chez Goth.

Well not as soon as I would like. There isn’t any breakfast at the store. Apparently there must be a big breakfast convention because two grocery stores are out of sausage.

Waifu don’t need to make sense.
Chicken thighs with bacon and mushrooms, in a white wine and cream sauce.

I don’t really hold folders on the desktop, unless you count the recycle bin, but I do have many folders in other categories, for series, images and stuff.
/Hugs from above
Silly hazelnut.
I think people just like to be able to kill hordes of things without feeling bad about it.

Hehehe I figure they were quite dramatic?

Hmm figure that’s a problem. What else can you have for breakfast?

Waifu make their own sense.
Mmm delicious. Mushrooms are great.

I think everyone does, but my mom has like twenty on her desktop and it drives me up the wall.
That’s true. I guess zombie cosplayers just want to be kind of gross.

Gother than Thou was dramatic. Chez Goth got down to the core of the subculture, we’re dorks. Sure there is a somewhat deserved cliché of the super pretentious goth who is at the club judging whether or not you bought something or made it by hand. Really that’s just someone who has decided to drag their wounded ego from high school into later life. It’s not at all limited to goths.
No it’s an aesthetic of enjoyment. We enjoy our bands, and our clothes, and vampires, and fey, and cathedrals, and cupcakes on little black lace doilies.
It’s dorky, and that’s ok because it’s fun.

Eggs. I just have to have more forethought for them.

I guess. I mean really they are a texture not so much a flavor.

My daughter has every possible inch of space on her desktop covered with folders. I can’t stand it.
I have the first row to the left. That’s it

My sister is the same, her desktop is covered in all sorts of folders, filling the screen which just looks horrible.
Being kind of cross is funny at times I suppose.

Yeah, that’s definitely not something I would attribute to goths in particular. There’s nothing wrong with a subculture in itself, it’s just so one enjoys things and as you say it’s fun. Of course sometimes subcultures get bad because they become pretentious and hateful of what isn’t them, but that can apply to literally every subculture out there.

How do you like your breakfast eggs?

Waifus control reality.
That’s true, but textures are very very important. That’s why crispy is such a popular thing.

Must be some kind of rebellion. You may have to pick up some bad habits for her to rebel against.

Well at least my cat knows not to clutter her desktop.
I try to refrain from that kind of grossness. As I said, I don’t like zombies at all. So messy.

The pretentiousness was a big thing people thought of. Now we have Hipsters!
I’m from a place where the goth culture, and some of the punk culture was pretty interchangeable, so there wasn’t a lot of hate going on.

if they are by themselves, scrambled.

There is a scary thought.
Yea there is something about texture contrast I’m trying to remember. I think it has to do with things like lasagna that has crispiness, gooiness, and softness.

That’s a very well educated cat.
Yup, as I told you before as well, zombies are my least pop culture phenomenon and a fiction resource I really dislike.

Well, hipsters are built in pretentiousness so that’s a whole other deal.
I see, that’s good. We don’t really have much goths around here, but we didn have a lot of emos, so for a while anything “dark” was met with disdain.

What about omelette?

Who would be the scariest waifu?
Hmm I guess that’s a dish rich in texture indeed. I personally prefer crispiness overall. Hmmm crispy fried chicken, so good.

I come from a line of teachers.
What is your horde of monsters of choice?

We were pretentious before it was cool.
Heh, we have country western fans. You don’t have to be dark, just different looking to catch disdain or worse from them. I think that is why we had such an eclectic group. All you had to be to join, was not them.

This explains your love of potato crisps.

Well, you deserve a 10/10.
Hmm I don’t know. I prefer smaller groups greater power like a wolf pack of a court of vampires.

Or rather before it was uncool heh.
Heh sounds pretty bad, but also very fun to not be them.


To think she’s now a waifu…
I guess it does. What texture do you prefer?

The problem with groups of vampires is that they always seem to be real jerks, so it’s just a matter of time before the backstabbing starts.
A vampire and their pack of not at all daylight sensitive monster hunters is far worse. I love it when adventurers try to free one of them from the bad vampires powers, only to get shot in the gut. Remember kids, pay your minions really well.

It was never cool.
I learned pretty fast that my boots were a lot more comfortable to run in than a pair of cowboy boots. That was life, and then high-school ended. Never met anyone who had a problem with it in college.


Waifu has some loose requirements these days.
Is chocolate a texture?

Hah that’s pretty good. In general though, I prefer creatures that have more power than just being a human that wants to bite you. Special undead like mummies are more interesting than zombies.

Fair enough.
Your boots were made for walking and that’s what they did.
High school is like it’s own weird pocked universe, life after that is much more accepting or rather, it’s like a honey badger, it doesn’t give a f.

/Steals hazelnut

Sometimes gets scary.
Let’s say yes. Delicious chocolate.
What’s your favorite chocolate flavor dessert?