I go a week after fresh LFR, I usually pretend I know what I’m doing and copy what every else is doing.
This will be my last expansion, I’ve grown aware this game isn’t for me time wise and no guild in WoW fits my schedule for actual raiding. I just settled for a guild
If there was sort of solo activity I would consider staying. It seems grouping is being pushed in more this expansion.
The gold dragon dailies world quests are all grouping requirements.
Devs don’t want players to solo.
This isn’t classic, this is retail.
For some strange reason mobs feel buffed in Azure Span, it takes too long to kill things there specifically or I die because mobs were excessively close together where I pull one with jade lightning 5 or more are coming my way.
Sorry about my rant, but it would be nice to have the Santa before DF ends.
“North Wind, blow your arctic breath our way.
We long for the blessing of your frozen kiss.
Exhale your frigid wind over our city.
Embrace us in your cold, crystalline arms,
And lay a white, winter, splendor over all.”
“North Wind, blow your arctic breath our way.
We long to see grand, fluffy flakes fill the air.
To watch them pile into deep drifts everywhere.
To build fine ice castles and huge, snow dragons.
To walk through a frozen, white wonderland.”
“North Wind, blow your arctic breath our way.
Touch our land with the magic only you possess.
The most beautiful magic of Winter’s realm
Is an honor only you are allowed to bestow.
Share with us your gift of a white Christmas.”
“North Wind, blow your arctic breath our way.
We extend to you a personal invitation.
The stage is set, the door of change stands open.
The scene is cast and awaits your blustery entrance.
Only your visage can star in this performance.”