GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

Lazer shooting cat.



ā€œPosting in here did it. This Alt is no longer considered a new poster.ā€
/happy dance




Anyone else not have much motivation to level alts this expansion?

Just doesnā€™t seem like thereā€™s a ā€œreturn on investmentā€ this time around - no gold (especially :desert::desert::desert:), not really any interesting/unique mounts that make you say ā€œi GOTTA have thatā€, reputation is still character-specific, etc etc

Theyā€™ve been running lots of ā€œpro altā€ promotions recently, but mehā€¦

  • Blizzard: ā€œhereā€™s this play Dragonflight free for 30 days promotion, a Diablo +50% experience buff, hereā€™s this 30% off services sale, etc etcā€
  • ā€¦also Blizzard: ā€œby the way, weā€™re gonna jack up the WoW token price to 280k and leave renown/reputation character-specificā€
  • me looking at this side-by-side comparison of contradictory stuff: :woozy_face:

Blizz isnā€™t lowering or raising token prices though. Thatā€™s not how that works. Itā€™s all according to market demand or lack thereof. Unless there has been some huge change with it?

And altsā€¦ ehā€¦ I have 6 at 70 right now. I have 2 more healy classes to get to 70 and then gear for mythics. Iā€™m slowed down right now on that and pushing mythic keys due to medical issues that are just icky to deal with. Maybe the nifty new cane and handicap placard will help a bit with not feeling so damned exhausted during bad spells, idk. Thereā€™s always hope.

hiyaā€¦ armory isnā€™t working.
do you have this lil dude?

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and i guess i should drop a song.

an oldie but a goodie.

Whereas Iā€™m leveling alts much more quickly with the reputation bonus and being able to send some of the upgradable gear and currency to alts. Now granted Iā€™m purely open world so right now 390 makes me feel very strong against most situations out there, including the Fyrakk Assaults. I do tend to die in that final fight but it is worth it.

So far I mainā€™d a bear druid, then a destro lock and currently a marks hunter. Probably a pally next followed by an ele shammy.

Given how squishy mages seem to feel not sure when or if Iā€™ll level one of those. Iā€™d like to get Pen here to 70 but leveling as holy is never fun as I cannot make shadow work for me at all.

Iā€™ve also limited my playing to three days a week to put off the burnout that comes from playing 17 years without ever taking any time off from the game.

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Been re watching Naruto since I missed alot of episodes and have no idea what is going on in Boruto.

Naruto hanging from the Third Hokages statue nose swinging back and forth, ā€œhey look Iā€™m a burger!.ā€ that made me laugh :rofl:.


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i am so lonely.
my personality is changing. oh well.
probably not significant but who knows.


ā€œChange could be a good thing.ā€

iā€™m not sure. it seems bad but i am desperate for change.

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ā€œChange can be real healing.ā€

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iā€™m just sitting here browsing virtually nothing instead of sleeping
iā€™m messed up i guess
at least iā€™m sipping water

guess iā€™ll try to sleep for a few hours or more. night

thread is le dead today eh
at least i got some sleep in last morning.

guess iā€™ll post a song.
hereā€™s a song i listened to in high school that i thought was about me. itā€™s negative, so you probably wonā€™t want to listen to it. or maybe you will.

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a bad thing happened with my meshā€¦ again.
iā€™m off to hospital in the next couple of hours.
just stopping to have a coffee while packing my bags :pensive:
iā€™ve arranged for kitty to go have a holiday with a friend.

hopefully iā€™ll be back tomorrow to tell you all how i was freaking out over nothing!
ā€¦right? :worried:

if you donā€™t hear from me in the next 48 hours, then theyā€™re keeping me in.
send some good vibes my way.

be good! :kissing_heart:


good luck nobully i wish you the best and nothing less


hugs hope youā€™re ok nobully



Hope you feel well soon Nobully.

Have a panda hug.


Remember why I stopped watching Naruto, it was mostly filler episodes after they ended with Sasuke left the village.

Naruto Shippuden moved more into story wise at least. I have have to re watch that too, missed a great chunk of episodes.


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