you know what people around here are like…
most people see something as “no big deal”, others like to have a chronic over-reaction to the slightest thing.
you know what people around here are like…
most people see something as “no big deal”, others like to have a chronic over-reaction to the slightest thing.
“Yeah, I know.”
“view profile” is returning a blank page
THIS will be a huge drama for anyone who uses any third party sites which pull data from the armory
“Maybe they are FINALLY working on fixing how the Armory Updates.”
i didn’t even know there was an issue with updates.
i’m gonna go start chopping vegetables.
if i don’t start now, i’ll just end up being slack and having cereal or something for dinner
“The way it keeps hiding the clothes, and rubix cubing things.”
ahh… yeah that’s not really an issue with the armory, per se… well it is, but it isn’t… it’s just that the new items haven’t been added to the website database, so when the armory tries to fetch the appearance, it just gets confused because the appearance doesn’t exist, and it either goes blank, or turns rubik.
i used to turn my characters head rubik in-game, by drinking a vial from the dalaran sewer to get the tuskarr buff, then jamming a pumpkin on my head.
the game didn’t understand the combination of what was happening, and it just freaked out
i thought i was soooo funny
(but that’s nothing new, i always think i’m hilarious)
It has been a very very very long time since I’ve came into one of these threads and I’m glad there’s a few regulars still around. Hello everyone! It’s good to be home again
i have a terrible memory, but if you remember me then… yes, i’m still around
Of course I remember you! Along with Cynd, Randy, Titan, Mal, Shadowmommy and a few others I’m probably missing out because I cant think atm LOL was so sure that everyone moved on after MoP, glad to see the lounge continued on.
spring cleaning my quest log.
doing a fantastic job so far!!
not that it matters… i’m only doing it so i can launch into a bunch of stuff i missed during Shadowlands
it’ll be full again in no time!
Just to let People know:
makes it blatantly clear that Paladin and Angel Factions in the Lawful Good 7 Heavens of Mount Celestia can declare Crusades against each other.
In otherwords Mount Celestia can be an acceptable Setting for a Cartoon without having to come up with why Antagonists would be there for whatever reason since as far as Gygax is concerned you don’t need to be Evil, Neutral nor Chaotic to serve as an Antagonist for Lawful Good.
Of course since the First Heaven Lunia embodies Innocence chances are it will be Demon Infiltrators(preferably the Rat Demons so that the Moral Guardians don’t get uppity) that serve as the Antagonists of that Layer saving the Holy Wars for the upper Heavens of Mount Celestia.
awwww poor Ben
(Lady Cyndi Lou strolls in, enveloped in a sweet scented cloud of smoke.)
“YAY!!! We made it to FRIDAY!!!”
/happy dance
brain was on autopilot while i was knocking out some old quests in Bastion… and I engaged the world boss who was in the area I was questing in.
I just figured it was a named mob, and the npc’s who were questing with me were going to explode him… hah.
i figured YOLO, and just kited the boss around to see if i could kill it… thankfully two other players dropped down and helped with the kill.
time for a coffee so i can shake off some cobwebs and get my head in the game