GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

“How’s the weather over there?”

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chilly pollen count is up there again too

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“Did you get Mom that little heater we talked about?”

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is humming away in her direction

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“Did you find the one that has the Night Light?”

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is kind of nice - just a little light so I can see my way around and not disturb.

kind of like my early am hours - now if I can just get my hands to work a bit better :slight_smile:


“Just hold them by the little heater, and warm them up. They will feel better faster.”

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I probably need to be less stubborn too and accept that my engine starts a little slower than when I was 18 /giggle


“Age does that to us all.”

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i <3 how simple dress is a transmog item now :slight_smile:


“I am glad my Top Hat is transmogable now. I know how you feel.”


hasn’t switched on the armory yet (what a surprise). the dress looks like it has a belt for shape, so I hid my belt - 2 belts was an odd look

looks nice.

Always loved that top hat :slight_smile:

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still barefoot too like a proper nelfy of course :slight_smile:

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“Of course!”

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yeah changed the look about 2 days ago - well, bliz gotta bliz :smiley:

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“Give it a few more days.”

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oo yeah, darkmoon is up isnt it

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“It is.”

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get the xp buff, do daily pet battles, knock off both pet battles and quests for the trading post stuff

that works for meeee

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happy World Party Day :partying_face: :dracthyr_uwahh_animated: :dracthyr_yay_animated: