GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

i just scored $50 … from my ex’s mum :stuck_out_tongue:

gonna have to think of something nice to buy for myself.


“By the way, how is the Garden Mushrooms task going?”

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it all went on hold during the mega-heat.
starting to get a bit cooler now



“I had a thought, a while back. Have you ever considered putting Fairies, and/or Elves, on top of them?”


it’d probably be gnomes… i may be a tad obsessed with gnomes :stuck_out_tongue:

i have a couple of garden fairies, one riding a frog, one sitting on a toadstool.

…but gnomes rule.


“I was picturing a set. One slightly bigger one, with a Fae Creature sitting on top, and a set of smaller ones, made to be placed in a circle around the base of the bigger one.”

“Silly, I know.”


it might be a plan!
i’m still looking for ideas to make the front garden a gnome hunt space for all the kids which pass by.
so far, i’ve got one in a tree, and that’s about as far as i got.
it took me about 8 minutes to tie him into the tree, and i copped sunburn doing it :stuck_out_tongue:
i used fishing line to tie him there, and it kept slipping.
i was getting so frustrated, but i NEEDED him to be in the tree.
i wasn’t going to give up. :laughing:

i have a small-ish wishing well which i want to move to the front yard too.

and just repainted a few toadstool houses which are waiting to go back outside

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“Hide a Gnome IN the well. Like in snorkel gear.”

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i have a gnome which would look cute sitting on the edge of it.
i don’t want the well too close to the road, someone will probably swipe it.
can’t trust anyone :neutral_face:
…although… if i put it near the road, people may actually use it as a wishing well, and i could make a few bucks? :smile:

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“Can you figure out a way to anchor it, so it’s not so easy to grab?”

it’s not super-stable construction.
a firm tug, and it would fall apart if it was anchored… that’s why i want to keep it towards the back of the garden

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“Ah. Got ya.”

I really wish they would add new sets to trial of style, I get addicted doing it and get allot of tokens.

I would like to start seeing pets, and mounts too to buy with ToS tokens.

I still need more cloth and plate stuff.


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“I’ve never done it.”

ohhhhh i thought there was a new set this time around.

give it a go, it’s silly fun :crazy_face:


“Maybe, someday. But not alone.”

It’s fun!

It’s active now until Friday.

Go to the transmogafire guy, click on him there will be 3 options:

Que for Trial of Style

You get tokens to buy stuff from the transmog guy.

You have 1 minute to put the asked mog theme together.

I have a set called blank (hidden mogs) mog saved that I put on before queing for Trial of Style.

This way when I run out of time it’s not too bad.

I start mogging chest, pants, feet, than click apply, than weapon apply.

Than I decide if I want to mog the rest of my hidden or not

Hunter is glitchy, the bows are not showing when they get on stage which really hurt me when doing it tonight for votes.

And transmoging is free during Trial of Style.

Yes you can go with another person.



I only saw bits and pieces of other new things, but not new sets.


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i haven’t done it for ages… and i have HUNDREDS more appearances now than i did last time.

i really need to know all of the various categories so i can create outfits for each before entering!


pro tip you can make all the sets you think are cool beforehand then just go in there and bask in the glory

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