GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

It’s already out! Where were you!?


Dude, you didn’t hurt my feelings.

I just want you to feel better.



Good morning People!!
I barely got any sleep last night because my dog was restless. lol
This isn’t my dog in the GIF, but it fits my mood. :rofl:


I think it is High Spirits.
Starring Darryl Hannah, Liam Neeson, and Peter O’Toole.

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Not sure been too busy to check.

Thank you!

I will definitely check it out and bookmark your post so I remember. :grinning:

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So WoW did make it on Matts game theory.



chrisnp potates like a generic potato human. guess i can try to sleep now.

nice video Shalil.
Hi Cyndilou if you’re still up and around at this time.
Hi anyone else.
Have a good day and night and life.

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Something Halloweenie.

Did some of us get vacationed? It’s been quite.

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Not me. I only post when i feel up to. Been suffering from depression for 10 going on 11 years now.


This has been fun, try this.

It’s RP, and on Wyrmrest Accord.

I know depression is hard to fight, try to stay positive and try to avoid negativity.

Not that I’m aware of, the forums have just been dry/slow as a natural side-effect of the current content drought :desert:

Everyone’s just afk until November, or so it seems… :desert: :desert: :desert:


Have you seen these forums these last few months? I’d have a better chance of Climbing a mountain than avoiding negativity.

I do but i have my good days and my bad days regardless.

Ewww…it’s Horde! :stuck_out_tongue: J/k’ing i have 2 or 3 Hordes here on WRA. When i first started playing in 2012 i was Horde only and started on a non rp server. Somewhere along the line i started playing both sides (mainly to get both sides of the story).

This isn’t even my original forum toon (which happened to be my first character in the game…Male BE Mage). I haven’t used them since several years before the forums got switched to this newer one.

I posted a lot more back then (i think i had 7k or 8k posts on my BE).

I’ll see about getting there this monday (to Mulgore that is).

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I did, but I’ve been lurking in other places that is not GD, like the battle pet discussion.

:grinning: Hope to see you there!

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yeah some folks should be back once the new xpac begins. For myself, work’s been a but nutty the last 2 weeks or so

With the exception of a couple threads (like here) yeah pretty much…lol


“Morning, Surfy!”


hello there
/nom’s cookie

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“Dark get her flight paths, in Outland?”

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Thinking I might have them all later today. If the systems dont crash, I’m figuring on a wonderful gift for the upcoming 3 day weekend - all the bosses will check out early today

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“Does this mean we may have a chance to play?”

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