GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)



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Mantle of Autumn - Item - World of Warcraft (

The regular green version is for druids only.

You’re going to have to mix and match the rest, but those shoulder is as close to the theme your looking for.


It’s just me and ice cream today.

Happy 4th and have a good holiday everyone.


Kind of a happy bouncy techno tune there :slight_smile:

Happy Lots of boom booms day :slight_smile:


Anyone want to visit this Hotel? Of course said Hotel has Almond Water pouring out the pipes of it’s Boiler Room so you got something for your health.

There is also a proper Hotel called the Homely Hotel. There is also a vast Library called the Lost Hall inhabited by an Entity Species that values knowledge.

And here we come to the owner of Level 5:

Ah yes the Gentleman of Level 5(who resembles a K’thir). His goal is to get us to make deals with him and if we fail in our deals he turns us into Hotel Staff. Yes he will spy on you until you break down and decide to make deals with him which will of course turn you into Hotel Staff.

And here we see how his Hotel Staff creation works in his favor. Sir Billiard is an interesting member of his Staff.

The Audio Recording in the above link shows what the Gentleman of Level 5 sounds like: He sounds like Lucius Fox from Batman Arkham Knight. Hearing that voice from a K’thir faced entity is better for one’s sanity than what one normally expects to hear from a K’thir.

Just don’t make deals with him or if you do make sure it gets you a Job in his Staff that works to your benefit or make the deal be that he doesn’t make you into Staff and you make suggestions on what to turn Victims who fail to uphold Deals with him(like say a Tray of Food that infinitely replenishes the safe Exotic food in it with the Plates of Food replenishing the food on them even when removed from the Walking Food Tray and taken out of the Hotel).

Of course you could even offer to simply become a part of his Staff if he makes an always open Infinite Free Food Food Court that gives people free food that is safe to eat. Such sacrifice for such a noble cause is warranted for those who have nothing else to live for.

You could also suggest other interesting possibly additions to the Hotel(like making the roof larger while pulling the entire Rokkenjima Mansion and Ushiromiya Family into a Hotel Ballroom made large enough to accommodate it even if some poor saps who failed their deals have to join you in becoming the Ushiromiya Family Members including Beatrice the Golden Witch) if you you are bored enough yet uncaring about your own fate.

He does not like his staff tricking people into their demises(object 18 is favored) and when that happens he forces his Staff(via his ominous glare while invisible) to throw the Corpses down the Elevator Shafts.

Good Morning Folks


I’ve just noticed the similarities between Higurashi Gou/Sotsu and Umineko Episode 1: Legend of the Golden Witch as well as similarities between Higurashi Mei and Umineko Episode 2: Turn of the Golden Witch.

Here is Umineko Episode 3: Banquet of the Golden Witch, Episode 4: Alliance of the Golden Witch, Episode 5: End of the Golden Witch, Episode 6: Dawn of the Golden Witch, Episode 7: Requiem of the Golden Witch, Episode 8: Twilight of the Golden Witch and Episode 9: Last Note of the Golden Witch.

Kumasawa San who is supposed to be the First Beatrice gets killed in the presence of Maria who shares a voice with Hanyuu which is followed by Natsuhi dying shortly after after receiving Beatrice’s note during Legend of the Golden Witch. Furthermore Kanon who like Hanyuu is Furniture dies on his own terms just like Scent Hanyuu does in Gou/Sotsu right before the End Game.

In Turn of the Golden Witch the first to die aside from the 6 Sacrifices are Kanon and Jessica(one of the survivors of Legend of the Golden Witch’s Gameboard) which is followed by Shannon(who like Hanyuu is Furniture and like Hanyuu needs to exist for a fake Hanyuu to exist).

In Higurashi Mei the Fake Rika and Fake Hanyuu merge and die which is followed by a short appearance by the Real Hanyuu who leaves immediately.

Also Dr. Irie in Mei is implied to be Evil like the similarly named Kyrie from Umineko’s 7th & 8th Episodes.

Furthermore Featherine is practically stated in the Umineko Manga to turn into a Hanyuu when her Horn breaks(unlike Eua) and furthermore Eua claims that Hanyuu of Gou/Sotsu is the source of the Hinamizawa Syndrome while Main Visual Novel Timeline has her not be related to the disease at all.

On top of that Bernkastel is separated from Rika during Higurashi Rei where Hanyuu uncharacteristically forces Rika to kill her own Mother to get out of a Loop suggesting it’s Featherine not the normal Hanyuu whose doing this.

With all this in mind the Cast of the Umineko Game Board are easy to decipher:

  • Battler is Looper Rika(or Looper Erika in the case of Legend of the Golden Witch)
  • Kinzo is the Original Rika who can never come back I.E. is dead
  • Krauss is Rika’s Cute Persona
  • Natsuhi is Witch Satoko who can’t tell Cute Rika from Original Rika and thus would fall for her charade easily
  • Jessica is Fake Rika(whether it be Red Eyes Rika from Gou/Sotsu or Tsukuyami Rika)
  • George is Satoko
  • Shannon is Hanyuu
  • Kanon is Fake Hanyuu
  • Kumasawa San/Virgilla the First Beatrice is Featherine and Eua
  • Maria is Featherine Hanyuu(which Scent Hanyuu counts as allowing her to be 2 pieces with one dying and the other surviving to the end of Legend of the Golden Witch)
  • Dr. Irie is Kyrie
  • Eva is Miyo Takano
  • EVA-Beatrice is Miyoko Tanashi recruited by Lambdadelta
  • Lambdadelta is Eua(which is why she identifies Witch Satoko as LD3105 I.E. Lambdadelta infectie 3105 AKA Satoko)
  • The Second Beatrice is Bernkastel from Episodes 1, 2 and 3
  • Episode 3 Ange is Looper Rika’s split-off self Bernkastel and treating the pigtails as a hint:
  • Bernkastel from Umineko Episodes 1, 2 and 3 is Une explaining why she is depressed as Featherine is forcing her the dark half of Rika to attack the world with an extinction-level Plague
  • Bernkastel in all other Episodes is Eua who either gets away free after mocking Erika Battler or gets replaced with Episode 1, 2 and 3 Bernkastel
  • Erika Furudo(who wears Jessica’s old clothes) is the Looper Rika from Gou/Sotsu entering into conflict with Looper Rika from Mei due to sharing the same Body
  • Piece is all the Rikas from the previous Gameboards before Episode 9 who due to being busy with their Gameboards were unable to save the world of the Rika/Ange of the Higurashi Rei Manga(as 2nd Bernkastel/Eua stated: The 8th Game will have no Happy Ending as Eua/2nd Bernkastel is let go as Bernkastel predicted with Umineko) as she discovers that the Irie of her side of the Sea of Fragments is evil(I.E. the Higurashi Rei Big Bad) and her looping is aiding him.
  • Episode 8-9 Ange Beatrice is the Rika from the Rei Manga who will eventually join with all other Rikas(Battler, Bernkastel, Jessica, Erika, Krauss and Kinzo), Evas(Miyo Takano and Miyoko Tanashi/EVA-Beatrice), Satokos(Natsuhi and George) and good Hanyuus(Shannon, Kanon Maria Lambdadelta and Hai-Ryun Yeasomul Jedha/Lion Ushiromiya) in the Golden Land of Hinamizawa after coming to terms with her friends from her side of the Sea of Fragments being all dead.
  • Episode 8 Lambdadelta is Kanon(Fake) Maria(Featherine) Hanyuu. In otherwords she didn’t go “What killed me? Featherine you monster.” in the Featherine’s Library while dying but in the Golden Land(probably a laboratory providing every Looping Persona with their own Body) while still alive due to simply having her manifestation in the Sea of Fragments dismembered and killed.
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sips coffee while skimming thru news articles off to the side :coffee:

Well well well, looks like some good news for a change:

The perp only knocked down/blew up one of the stones? Should’ve taken them all out while he was at it imo, just get rid of that evil crap :man_facepalming:


“Why do you hate them so much?”

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I mean, have you ever read what they say on them… literally “written in stone”? :joy:

Whatever group is behind them obviously doesn’t have good intentions. I would say wanting to kill off 90% of the population easily falls under the “evil” category…


“This is the first I have even heard about it.”


HI Cyn

I sent you what I know of the guidestones in Battle Tag.

They’re a bit of a messy topic in some areas


and may you all have a Terrific Thursday


Posting for Elmer :slight_smile:



The stones, IIRC, were erected at the height of the cold war in the 80’s and were intended as a set of guidelines to assist the remnants of humanity in surviving and rebuilding a shattered world.

Bombing them was a stupid act and anyone who celebrates the destruction of a monument equally so. It’s as disgusting as the people who tore down the statue of Fredrick Douglass because “slavery bad!”

Protip: All of the online personalities posing as journalists aren’t telling the truth and are every bit as biased as the mainstream media and will drift on cultural winds so long as it makes them money.



The Dubb version won’t come out til maybe two years, but I don’t mind watching subb version.

One Punch Man season 3 is this year rumor has it.