GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Yeah, that duck was a bit annoying I ran into him on the way back to the lounge.

He made a nice duck dinner I was starving after my long journey here.

The bear that kid napped me turned out to be a bunch of gummy bears in a supersized godzilla bear costume. When I gained consciousness, I use a huge powerful lava lash to break free. It burst into millions of gummy bears; the gummy bears broke my fall they were really squishy and yummy.

Oh, brought some for the lounge.

empties a large bag of gummy bears into a large bowl and place it on the lounges coffee table

Don’t worry I picked out the ones that weren’t scorched, burned or melted. I like the red ones.


Not gonna lie I’m somewhat bummed out by the flatlined/depressed prices on these Mage Tower consumables :expressionless:

One of the unintended consequences of Mage Tower going “permanent” is prices on all things Mage Tower-related seem to have crashed thru the basement… which is kinda bad news for speculator types like me that had stocked up on a bunch of MT consumables, expecting to sell for a profit once it came back around

But unfortunately that’s not how it played out. Blizzard really threw everybody a curveball/surprise with this “permanent” announcement, so suddenly I’m scrambling to figure out what to do with all these Mage Tower consumables clogging up my bank :joy:

As someone that already did the 7/7 and doesn’t have much reason to do MT again, I’d like to get at least some profits back out of this. But it’s rough, items don’t seem to be selling/the casuals aren’t biting… and the items that do sell are only like 25-30 gold above the original price I bought in at back in January/February (instead of the expected 500+ gold-per-item profit I was expecting) :-1:

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“At least that is a profit, and not a loss.”

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Maybe, but the sales are also slooooow :-1:

I’m talking I’ll post 80-100 consumables in there to test the waters. And when I log back into the toon a few hours later only like 20 items have sold, and I only got ~1400 gold waiting for me in the mailbox… while the rest of the items have been undercut by one of several under-cutters :joy:

A whopping 1400 gold in this flatlined/dead market… wow, I can honestly make more gold/hour by doing callings :clown_face:

I dunno man, it just seems “dry” out there - it’s hard to describe the frustration. The casuals/fish are just not biting this time and it shows. You hate to see it, sadge

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“I stopped relying on the AH in retail many years ago. It’s just not worth the stress for me.”


“If I am gonna drink Green Brew, it’s gotta be Absinthe.”


hello from chrisp/gotnov

i got zereth mortis flying tonight yay
still havent really done any hard content this entire expansion though


grats on flying! /salute

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THis is actually the first expansion that I have raided outside of LFR since HFC in Warlords .

Lot of it was due to real life (Basically working on GUild raid nights and not a fan of pug groups that don’t involve members of the guild/s I’m in .

THis expansion I only did LFR for Nathria because of work but SoD and SotFO raids have been on my days off or only have a morning shift .


thank you
i tried a little yay

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We have bear cookies and Eat Me cookies. What can go wrong.


eats a bear cookie and turns in to a Bill Swerski’s Super Fan

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I just realized I said bear cookie. Don’t tell Elmer that lol.

i am potato
i could be doing something ingame but i don’t do anything interesting


This might happen when you mix the two.


Nooo, not again


could this be what the jailer was talking about rofl!!


Possibly lol.

Now, where the heck is Nathanos.

The look on Tyrande’s face is priceless. :rofl:


“That wasn’t long enough. I liked that song, I want more.”

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