GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)


telpoerts into the back of the lounge

Hmm let’s see here.


I think, at least for me, it’s going to be a matter of four factors:

  1. How reliant on extraneous systems the new expansion is
  2. Does Blizzard lift all race/class restrictions or not
  3. How far are they going to push the “open faction” thing
  4. Are they going to outright apologize for WoD 2.0 and are they going to guarantee a full expansion

That last one is a biggie for me. I get Covid disrupted a lot, if not all, industries but they had to have known well in advance how SL was going to play out with 9.1 being end of expansion catch-up and 9.2 being less of an onerous end of expansion catch-up. With things being what they are IRL, I don’t know if I can justify another full cost expansion for a third of the content.


I never bought those. I paid my month sub and left it at that.


One system is ok, not system, after system, after system, after system.

Not to mention pointless multiple grinding and lock, on locks, on locks upon, even more locks.

I liked the game the way it was in MoP, it was fun, Shadowlamds is a train wreck disaster. It’s like, the devs don’t want this game to be fun anymore, just work, work, work, work, work. I do plenty of work in RL.

Just a pattern I caught on with this game is, they introduce the new layout for the next expansion at end content of the current one.

For example: treasures introduced in MoP became permanent throughout the game. WoD it was tables, than Legion borrowed power and BFA I’m guessing visions, I guess is similar to Torghast and now systems implementation through raid and puzzles are being introduced. This game became a heap mess with all this combined.

I like puzzles JUST NOT IN WOW.

You also got to think of the new players, they are not going to enjoy grinds, and locks. There are achievements locked to buy pets and mounts, and you get wrecked in pvp if you don’t have high end gear and conduits. Don’t get me started on the 12 different currencies.

People are watching and waiting.


… … … System Online… Analyzing… Failsafe Activation Successful… Receiving Data… Subterranean Domain Destroyed… Survivors in CryoStasis… Accessing Archives on next Operating Procedure…

Ugh. I’m already over today. But the bright side is, given everything that’s going on, I did see “a sign” this morning on my way to work so I’ll just have to update my resume tonight and get on it, I suppose.

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Biological Detected… Designation Elmerbludd… Data confirms subject desires consumption of Ursine Biological Entities… Elmerbludd… Suitable Entity for Requisition of Data… Activating Communication…

“This unit has data of you before suspension… How has time passed… Will you be getting a new job.”


Hello there. I don’t think I have ever met the person who started the thread.

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Possibly. What I saw was only 5-10 min down the road compared to an hour. That would save me a ton of money in gas. So I just have to update my resume and apply!

It is possible you have met the beings responsible for this units operation. You are wonderland girl if I recall…

Always smart to live close to work, unit does this as well.


Silly robot guy! You are not unit, you are Arcrados! HOORAY!

give Arcrados a tasty :bear::sandwich:

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ponders if she should get in and mess with the mechgnomes wiring

Nah. I can find another way to bring some evilness to the lounge. Opps did I say that out loud?

And I’m the cranky orc, lol.

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I thought you were my buddy orc that I give cookies to.

I am but more cranky than ever, now that I think about those who don’t raid are forced to raid to get the story achievement for ZM flying.

I do LFR, but honestly its going to be a disaster killing the jailer and may take hours in LFR just to do it, because people don’t want to learn the mechanics and just sit AFK or auto attack.

No wonder boosters exist, its encouraged by road blocks.

I’m going to Orgrimmar for a drink, orc is turning into hulk.


apexis power
artifact power
azerite power
anima power
april 19th aspect power?


Orc power.



jumps into Laeuko’s arms

Can I get a big squooshy Orc hug, please! ORC GIVE GNOMEY BIG SQUOOSHY ORC HUG!



Here take this drink. It will help avoid futher issues.

laughes evily.

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