yeah this is why i suffer in silence
pokes his belly
Nope. Not me! I’m made of Gnomey guts and tasty !
chrisp potates on a pandaren girl arcane mage
Just want to point something out. You keep calling yourself a potato as if that’s a bad thing. However, one cannot have the salty deliciousness of potato chips, or the ketchupy, warm goodness of crispy french fries or tater tots without potatoes!
So if you’re a potato who potatoes, speaking for myself, I’m darn glad you are!
Wait so are you a candy filled Bear Sandwich?
No! I am not candy! I am made of Gnomey guts like my tummy and stuff and tasty !
its National Drink Wine Day!
“Hubby bought me some Watermelon Wine last night. That stuff is GOOD.”
Well I am made out of candy and wanted to know if you were too.
pokes your belly
Nope! You are definitely sweet but you’re made out of Nelfy guts, cookies, and potions! HOORAY FOR GUTS!
pops out of his deathgate
I’m so evil, I never save souls from the Maw! I steal 'em from the Jailor! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
runs back through his Deathgate to steal more souls from the Jailor
i wonder if we can make wine out of souls
“We can make it out of blood…”
(Lady Cyndi Lou hold up a bottle of her Special Imported Blood Wine.)
“… So I don’t see why not.”
/wicked grin
wow that’s savage
“It’s made from the blood of my Enemies. The more powerful the Enemy, the better the wine. This batch is especially deadly.”
/evil laugh
Only warlocks can do that.
“But it CAN be done, yes.”
evil doin’s up in here. oh well.
chris p
/puts down her attempt at Drink Me soul potion.
(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders back in.)