GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

I feel like this is all the npc’s in wow are so well talked about.

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I’m tired… I’m tired

I am condemned. It’s time I accept this. I had it coming

Sith blow up Planets and make Superweapons.

Arcann is shown ordering the bombardment of multiple Worlds to dust in Knights of the Fallen Empire yet he can be redeemed in Knights of the Eternal Throne…

Vaylin who is more sympathetic than Arcann is proving harder to redeem due to her stubbornness.

Both Valkorion’s Children and the Sith are bigger Supervillains than the Banshee Queen.

Vitiate was feeding off of the Souls of everyone killed during and between SWTOR and KOTOR 1 & 2 except those who became Force Ghosts so that when his Valkorion persona was stabbed in the Outlander’s mind they started leaking out of him.

One can clearly see that Vitiate was no better than Zovaal to say the least. He even planned to use the Souls to fuel the Machine known as Zildrog when it consumed the entire Galaxy so that he can start over from his Eternal Empire so he is just like Zovaal.

If Vitiate is like Zovaal than his Sith and Children are no different from the Banshee Queen except worse since they are killing even more to fuel Vitiate!

I have yet to progress past finishing a class storyline so umm ya…

I’ve noticed that D&D’s Plane Arborea has been dividing it’s first Layer into separate Planes: Brightwater(which later became part of the Gates of the Moon after being ripped out of Arborea during the Spellplague) and Arvandor(which after the Spellplague claimed Bytopia as one of it’s Layers).

Now if only we could get a Cartoon where Ysgard(which had Muspelheim ripped away from it by the Spellplague), Arcadia, Mount Celestia, Arborea, Elysium, the Beastlands(containing the Deep Wilds and Green Fields), Gates of the Moon and the Outlands were all infinitely expanding locales of the Show.

D&D Planes are supposed to be sets of Infinitely Expanding Layers though as shown recently the Layers are dividing into separate Infinitely Expanding Planes from the sounds of things in later Editions in D&D.

One would think that Olympus, Aquallor, Brightwater and Avandor would each become full planes complete with multiple Infinitely Expanding Layers due to the Beliefs that shape the Planes.

Incidentally since Aquallor has a Portal directly to the Plane of Water unlike the other Seas could say that Aquallor is the Border Layer of the Plane of Water between the Plane of Water and Arborea just as the Plane of Ice is the Border Layer between the Plane of Water and the Plane of Air.

A Planescape Cartoon Show that pays attention to the fact that the Planes each have multiple Infinitely Expanding Layers/Worlds would be fun to watch!

I would list the Plane of Ice(entrance to the Plane of Air), Aquallor(entrance to the Arborea), Lunia(entrance to Mount Celestia through climbing it’s Mountains) and Thalasia(entrance to Elysium) as Border Layers of the Plane of Water due to their very nature.

Maybe this is why I can’t bring myself to play FF14, this right here sounds like fun.

I like blowing up things because it’s fun, and faction war.

January I’m going to try out SWTOR, going to try FF14 first, because a friend wants me too :roll_eyes:. Yeah, I know the game is great, but does it meet my violence criteria.

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo - Wikipedia

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I had one like that: “Buff buff buff buff buff.”

An undressed person who is athletically built and is a fan of polishing things to the color buff.

Yours is much more complex.

I was on voice chat with my cousin tonight and that came up and it made me crack up.

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Just discovered: Apparently the Spellplague made it so that the 9 Hells no longer are connected through any way except Styx and Styx as we know is Chaotic and random.

Surely Dante’s Inferno now forces Hell to boot out Phlegethos(straight into the Plane of Fire), Stygia and Cania while taking in Cocytus, Phlegethon and Celestia(which aside from Lunia resembles Limbo according to Dante and thus be Limbo according to “Beliefs Shape the Planes”) rearranging Hell’s Nine Circles of Infinite Expanse to be:

  1. Celestia(except Lunia which is booted into the Plane of Water along with Stygia and Cania)
  2. Cocytus(ripped from Pandemonium)
  3. Minauros
  4. Phlegethon(also ripped from Pandemonium)
  5. Dis
  6. Maladomini
  7. Avernus
  8. Malboge
  9. Nessus

According to the creator of the Forgotten Realms both Styx and Lethe reach into all Worlds of the Prime Material Plane(as well as all other Planes).

Even so the descriptions indicate that the Rivers start as Acheron and flow from the Plane of Water into Pandesmos and from there into the Abyss where it splits into Styx, Lethe, Phlegethon and Cocytus.

Styx flows from the Abyss into Tartarus, from Tartarus into Hades, from Hades into Gehenna, from Gehenna into Dis and from Dis back into the River Acheron.

Lethe flows into Stygia(one of the 9 Hells before the Spellplague but I’m sure after that Dante’s Inferno overruled it due to “Beliefs shape the Planes”) and gets mistaken for Styx before it flows back into River Acheron alongside Styx.

River Acheron once reformed flows into the Cubes of Acheron where it flows through portals from one Cube to the next before returning to the Plane of Water.

Cocytus flows into Cania(one of the 9 Hells before the Spellplague and the public release of Dante’s Inferno changed everything) and from Cania into Nessus(The 9th Circle) where it flows into a Frozen Lake named Cocytus.

Phlegethon flows into Avernus(the 1st Circle of Hell before the Spellplague though I’m sure Dante’s Inferno turned it into the 7th Circle and Mount Celestia into the 1st Circle Limbo) and from there flows into Nessus to merge with River Cocytus into the Frozen Lake Cocytus.

I’m sure the flow is the same after the Spellplague aside from the Abyss being punted by Azmodeus straight through Pandesmos into the Plane of Water making it so that instead of flowing from the Plane of Water through Pandesmos into the Abyss it flows from the newly reformed Plane of Water through the Cresting Waves of the Elemental Chaos into the Abyss(which the Cresting Waves now surrounds considering Acheron always flows into the Abyss).

The fate of Pandemonium? World Axis said it survived though was abandoned so it was probably reduced to Pandesmos and Agathon(Planes have had 2 Layers instead of 3 or more before after all).

Furthermore one can expect Aquallor and Thalasia to be pulled into the Plane of Water after the Elemental Plane of Water reforms.

In any case the Plane of Water, it’s now 5 Layers(Stygia, Cania, Lunia, Aquallor and Thalasia) as well as the 3 Planes(Arborea, Elysium and the Beastlands) that it’s tributary River Oceanus passes through would make a good Cartoon Show in my opinion.

climbs out of Surfy’s pocket with his favorite blankie, and climbs into her lap to watch adorable otter and bunny videos

This makes me hoppy!


There’s no otter place I want to be!

giggles again


looks around the Lounge, sees nothing happening, and crawls under the tasty :bear::sandwich: table to take a nap


/in the corner reading

Just browsing a book with excellent recipies. Didn’t know the Fosaken had such good taste in humanity :smiley:


Good afternoon loungers!!! :fox_face:

Time for another early afternoon chill Rainy tune:


Umm that is good right?


hello there :slight_smile:


I have been wondering if I should show off my Alice outfit that I plan on using for streaming sometime.


Hey hey Surftastically, Surfing Surfy ^^

Speaking of surfing…I love this track (this group actually…reminds me of home)


Anduin a l’Orange sounds quite tempting

1 little lion
1 juicing orange
1 tablespoon balsamic, sherry, or red wine vinegar, or more to taste



Go for it - if unsure you can always get opinions on Battle net or discord

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