GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

trying deltarune
The game sounds like its mocking me for naming both my save file and my character my name
…Okay listen here you little brat I AM BAD AT NAMES


pokes his head out from under the tasty :bear::sandwich: table

Happy It’s-Not-Monday-Day!

ducks back under the tasty :bear::sandwich: table to eat more tasty :bear::sandwich: and watch adorable otter videos


If push comes to shove you can get your character restored


I got my workout done this morning… which is good because I am getting my McDonalds done later for lunch. :rofl:


scrambles out from under the tasty :bear::sandwich: table

Guess what I learned today!!!

rolls around on the ground making incessant squeeping noises

That’s otter talk for “give me belly rubs and tasty :bear::sandwich:, please!”

giggles and scrambles frenetically back under the tasty :bear::sandwich: table


Sounds like u had an educational morning :smiley:

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I can’t wait for Hollows End, I get to troll Alliance and kill them at the wicker man.


Malochai here… My characters are all kinds of messed up, I couldn’t even post on the forums for most of the day. I finally put in a note to support, and I got a handful of them back, but some of the transmogs look rolled back. :rofl:

I am afraid to switch out characters, so going to stick with Pippen for a few, until it looks safe again.


Did your account get hacked?

I went from neutral on this theme to hating it. Now my brains broken and I love it


No, it’s happened before…

I know it sounds weird, but I think it’s the ‘Sprite Darter’ Transmog that I have on Malochai. It only shows up in the armoury sometimes, Malochai is wearing it now, but you can’t tell, all of the outfit reverted to the actual armour that the character is wearing.

The last time it happened was when the outfit first came out, and same thing, it disappeared off the character when it reset. I’ll try logging later, and see if it fixes back.


My characters disappeared for forum posting yesterday too. I don’t have sprite darter, for me it was just all the characters vanished and I couldn’t post. But it’s fixed today.



What are the chances that the Lawsuits and Fines will result in Charlie having to sell the Factory’s Assets and Recipes to Mr. Salt? Seems Veruca is going to get the Golden Goose anyways! Of course as Wonka states she will come out of the experience wiser than she was before. She will learn the value of Patience.

Veruca in the end is Wonka’s True Heir and learning the Patience he himself learned herself.

Veruca had the least harsh punishment which was landing in a bunch of Golden Chocolate Eggs and other discarded Candy in a turned off Furnace. Augustus Gloop got almost drowned in Chocolate and squished through a Pipe, Violet got turned into a Blueberry, Mike got shrunk & stretched and Charlie got exposed to the fear of dying.

Even Veruca’s father got a harsher punishment than her(he thought that the Furnace was on when it was off while Veruca didn’t even know she was heading into a turned off Furnace) as he was not raising her to learn Patience.

Wonka has the ruthless heir he needs and has taught her that good things come to those who wait. He tore down the blissfully incompetent children bringing them to shame while vacating the one child who merely needs Patience in a way that teaches her Patience.

That’s good to know it’s not the outfit then! I got Mal back, so normal posting can resume.
I did have to redo my transmog though, a few hundred gold to fix that. :roll_eyes:

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I’m glad to know I made it


YAY! I get my first check tomorrow…or at least I better get my first check tomorrow!


The bill collectors will rejoice and be happy to receive your money.


Yes, yes the will! And I cannot blame them. I want to pay my bills too!


I am thinking I will be retiring my Fredricks Fancy short story series soon. It is just getting to the point where it has run its course and I want to do other things (and people tend not to like the series as much as my other stuff)


“Just be sure to end it with a bang. Make it an ending they will never forget.”